The Christmas Basket by Debbie Macomber

The Christmas Basket by Debbie Macomber

Have you ever had a long-term feud with your best friend?

If so, how long were you mad at each other? What was the feud about? Did the two of you ever make up?

When Sarah McDowell visits the exclusive women’s country club in town, she has a mission. She must reserve the club for her daughter, Kristin’s, wedding. She’s hoping she doesn’t run into her worst enemy for the last 20 years, Mary Sutton. Long ago, Sarah was a real estate agent. She borrowed her best friend’s, Mary’s, family heirloom tea set to supposedly display at a house she was showing. However, Sarah lies to Mary, the silver tea set was not used for Sarah’s showing, but, for a showing for one of Sarah’s co-workers. The tea set is stolen, and Mary has never forgiven Sarah for lying to her and mishandling her tea set.

Sarah has high hopes for her daughter’s wedding, but, when she’s told that she can’t use the country club, unless she does community service with Mary, making Christmas baskets for the needy, she gets highly upset!!

Sarah’s daughter, Noelle, was Mary’s son (Thom’s) high school sweetheart. Part of the reason Thom and Noelle broke up was because of the family feud between their mothers. Now, about ten years after that nasty breakup, Noelle is back in Rose (her hometown). It was too painful for her to return to Rose after Thom stood her up the night they were supposed to elope.

It’s Christmas, and Noelle is finally going to be spending the holiday with her family…the only problem is, the first person she runs into is Thom. Can they work through the past and heal from their pain? Thom was hurt, too, that awful night and he finds it hard to forgive Noelle for all that’s happened.

This story was extremely light Christmas reading. It was sort of pleasant, but, very predictable. I found it hard to read about the hostile animosity between Mary and Sarah. The two women were so immature that they acted like children. Acting like that for twenty years would wear me down…I’d think I’d get tired of it after awhile. I’d probably end up moving away (to avoid my enemy), or, risk having a heart attack!

I enjoyed reading the story, and I also loved the nice, whimsical Christmas atmosphere.

Many thanks to Harlequin MIRA for providing me a free review copy through Net Galley.

So, have you ever had a long-term feud with your best friend?

If so, how long were you mad at each other? What was the feud about? Did the two of you ever make up?

I feel that lots of relationships – friendships and family relationships – are ruined because of money.

What kinds of things do you think ruins friendships and relationships?

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