Sunday Brunch – Samson and Delilah!


Did Samson’s lust affect his logic?

I’ve always wondered about this, so I decided to devote a Sunday Brunch blog post to this topic. In Judges, Chapter 16, the Philistine rulers approached Delilah since they knew that Samson was in love with her. They wanted to know the secret to Samson’s strength. The rulers offered to give Delilah money if she could tell them his secret.

What’s always stumped me was Delilah asked Samson FOUR TIMES, about the secret of his strength. The first three of those four times he lied to her, and, afterwards, he always fell asleep and found himself bound with offending material, and Delilah was always yelling about the approaching Philistines. Samson always easily escaped from the ropes, fabric, thongs, etc. since these items did not deplete his strength (although he’d told Delilah otherwise).

I’ve always thought that sometime during those first three times, Samson would’ve gotten a clue that Delilah had an agenda. It was so obvious considering the pattern of events. However, he ended up telling her the truth eventually, and that caused his downfall.

Do you think that Samson was so overcome with lust and love for Delilah that he couldn’t think clearly? He didn’t seem to be very smart!

I think his lust overcame his logic. Also, the scriptures mention that the Lord came upon Samson numerous times. Perhaps this was the way that the Lord wanted the events to occur?

Feel free to share your thoughts!

~Cecelia Dowdy~


2 thoughts on “Sunday Brunch – Samson and Delilah!


    yes,i think it was the lust and love for her that caused all this.Women are a weaker sex but have a great influence and impart to men.They control men immortionally especially through love and other sweet feelings.From this she has the capability to torment,trap,build,help,punish( name them) their husband and finally lead them into either success or failure.Unfortunately to Samson it was failure.Another mistake Samson made was to marry a foreign woman,it costed him si much.Thats why it advisable today: let christians marry fellow christians.If you are birds of the same feathers,you can easily help each other in times of trouble because both of you have a common goal.Other wise i can also explain this better when i borrow a leaf from the story of Adam and Eve.Thanks Cecelia.


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