Monthly Archives: November 2017

Sunday Brunch – Jonah!

Can you believe that Jonah was inside the belly of a fish/whale for three days and three nights?

Jonah 1:17 Now the Lord provided a huge fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.

Jonah 2:10 And the Lord commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land.

I was talking to my son about Jonah recently. He’d mentioned that he’d thought that Jonah would have been digested by the whale while inside the belly. How could he still be alive? God kept him alive, was the best that I could explain it.

Jonah ran away from his calling and he had to pay the price. He prayed while in the belly of the fish – he prayed to the Lord. The Lord then commanded the fish to spit Jonah out.

While inside the belly, God protected Jonah from harm. He protected him from being digested by the fish. Jonah did not provide sustenance to the fish (as far as I can tell). The Lord kept him safe, which is good.

I keep thinking about how it feels to be trapped in the belly of a whale. It sounds scary and frightful. Is there enough oxygen in there to breathe? I guess so if the Lord provides it for us. How long could one stay alive in the belly of a whale if one were NOT protected by the Lord?

I also felt that this would make a cool movie! Can you imagine making a movie about Jonah? I wonder how one would film the scenes inside the fish’s belly?

So what do you think it was like for Jonah inside the belly of a fish/whale for three days and three nights?