Have You Read Any Good Books Lately?
The Texan’s Secret Daughter is a book that I briefly mention on this blog post.
This was a nice sweet book. I enjoyed reading it. It’s a book about second chances. The book also dealt with alcoholism, and that is a subject on which I’ve often focused on with my own writing. I thought the hero (Elijah) was so hard on himself regarding his past mistakes. The heroine (Jazmine) has made mistakes as well. I thought the second-chance lesson pertained to Jazmine’s and Elijah’s relationship, as well as our relationship with our Creator. The biggest takeaway from this book is that God gives all of us a second, third, fourth…etc. chance. Forgiveness is also a major lesson learned from reading this insightful novel.
I initially sold a novel (First Mates) to Love Inspired back in 2003. My novel was released in 2005. At the time, Love Inspired did not publish many romances with ethnic characters. There were a few Love Inspireds which were released within the span of a few years, with African-American characters. I only sold one book to Love Inspired. I kept submitting, but was not able to sell another book to them. I was glad to see Love Inspired publish The Texan’s Secret Daughter. If you know of any other Love Inspired novels with ethnic (non-Caucasian) hero or heroine, then please share the titles.
I recently received the publishing rights back to First Mates (it’s out of print) and am re-releasing it as Coffee and Kisses.
This was a nice, sweet story about a billionaire and his young daughter’s live-in schoolteacher. I honestly believe this was the first billionaire romance I’ve ever read. (I’m not counting Fifty Shades – which is not really a romance). Sure, I’ve read countless romances with rich heroes, but, not one with a billionaire.
The billionaire lived in a regular house. He’s renting his current home, waiting for his mansion to be built. So, although you know this guy is mega-rich, with his body guards and successful business, he still lives like a regular guy, otherwise. You don’t see expensive fixtures and tons of servants, as you may see in other rich-hero romances.
There’s also a bit of suspense in this novel. I liked the relationship between the hero and his daughter. He’s a bit overprotective of her, but, given his background his temperament is understandable.
Both of these novels are nice, sweet cozy reads to enjoy at the beach.