Milk Chocolate Kisses and Milk Money

Isn’t it refreshing to hear kind words?

My novel, Milk Money, which was published years ago, is out of print. Milk Money was published by Barbour, a Christian publisher, and it was distributed all over the world. I even had a fan to state she’d seen it in an Australian bookstore (Koorong). I received the rights back to that story (meaning Barbour allowed me to publish it on my own since they no longer had any use for it). I republished Milk Money and re-titled it as Milk Chocolate Kisses.

I also revised Milk Money and made it more current – before publishing it as Milk Chocolate Kisses. Anyhow, a reader recently acquired Milk Money and she sent me this wonderful email which I’ve been encouraged to share:

Dear Ms. Dowdy,

At my church we have a book exchange box that several of us share

our reading material. I picked up “Milk Money” on Sunday and stuffed in

my purse to read while my mechanic changed my oil and filter yesterday.

I began reading while waiting – he finished too quickly! I marked my place

and as soon as I got home I picked it back up. It’s the first time in many

months that I really didn’t want to put the book down. I finally realized I

needed to sleep some but finished it this morning.

I believe this is the first of your books I have had the pleasure of reading.

I loved every part about it. I wasn’t blessed to be a dairy farmer but my

Mom and Grandparents were long before I came along. I grew up in a

small town and attended church all my life. God didn’t send my husband

until I was 26 so I spent much time seeking his will for my life. He sent

my husband along after I had surrendered to be single if that’s what HE wanted.

Thank you for writing this book. I will be watching for more from you as

I shop. May God continue to bless your writing and your witness for the Lord.


Such refreshing words! Made me smile today!

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