Romance with Elderly Characters

Do you enjoy romances with elderly main characters?

My romance novel, Caramel Kisses, features a hero and a heroine who are over 65. I’ve noticed that readers seem to like seeing senior citizens falling in love in Caramel Kisses. I wondered if I should write more stories with elderly characters.

How do you feel about this? Do you think romance novels should only feature young and middle-aged heroes and heroines? Do you enjoy romances that feature senior-citizens? Leave a comment!

15 thoughts on “Romance with Elderly Characters

  1. Marilyn

    Being a Senior lady, yes I would like to see more novels with senior citizens. I don’t mind them with younger people but we should have novels with our age group, too. Even a combination of the young, middle-aged and seniors would be great.

  2. Ruby Bullock

    I believe that everyone, regardless of age, wants to have love in their lives. So stories about seniors finding love is much appreciated by me. Thank you.

  3. Kathy Schnitz

    Being just a couple of weeks shy of my 69th birthday, I do like older romances. Especially not perfect bodies and faces. We have wrinkles and extra pounds and so if characters are real like me, I love it! Thanks

  4. Laraine

    Yes indeed I do. Being a senior myself at 72 , it is good to see us represented in books. Because we are older doesn’t mean we don’t need to be loved and to love. I always say that there may be snow on the roof, but there’s still fire in the furnace.

  5. Marilyn Ott

    I have an easier time identifying with elderly couples. I would encourage you to write more books in this genre.

  6. Debra E. Marvin

    I like ‘senior citizens’ but I still want to shake off the word ‘elderly’ b/c that is always going to be someone 20 yrs older than me. haha. Elderly often implies frail unfortunately. Activity levels vary so much after 50, but I like seeing the bicycles on the cover!

    1. Cecelia Dowdy Post author

      Hi, Debra!
      You are so right! Activity levels vary A LOT after 50! Thx for the compliment regarding the bicycles!


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