Daily Archives: May 3, 2021

The Duchess of Chocolate

The Duchess of Chocolate

Do you like chocolate?

Loved this book!

It’s a delicious historical novel that you don’t want to miss! I loved the descriptions of chocolate and reading about the heroine’s (Amity’s) profession. Amity works as a chocolatier in her family’s confection shop.

When a duke (Henry) approaches her about making a special, one-of-a-kind treat for his future bride, Amity agrees to do the task! Such a project will prove beneficial for her family’s business.

But, while Henry tastes Amity’s creations, he finds he likes Amity – even more than he likes her irresistible chocolate creations.
But a duke cannot have a suitable relationship with a common chocolatier, can he?

So, do you like chocolate? What’s your favorite chocolate treat?