Monthly Archives: June 2021

It’s Better This Way by Debbie Macomber

Do you enjoy senior-citizen love stories?

It’s Better This Way is a story about Julia and Heath – two senior-citizens who reside in the same condo complex. Julia spots Heath daily at the gym. They start chatting and are drawn to one another. However, as they get to know one another, they discover a secret – a secret that could destroy their happiness.

Both of them are linked in a very unusual way.

I liked this story because it’s about two senior citizens falling in love. You don’t find many romances with elderly characters. Both of them have been hurt by their ex-spouses, and dating is the last thing that either of them wants to do. You also have the family dynamic with the reactions of the kids and their ex’s. I thought the kids reactions were realistic. I understood why they’d want to protect their parents from heartbreak.

I also enjoyed seeing Heath and Julia work through their problems. It was refreshing to see them spend time together, getting to know one another, trying to build a relationship amidst turmoil.

So, do you enjoy senior-citizen love stories?

If you do, in addition to It’s Better This Way, you should also try my novel, Caramel Kisses! It’s sweet, delightful, and amazing! Only 99 cents!