Daily Archives: August 23, 2023

Sweetness & Jesus

So many of you have emailed me with your advice about my air conditioner. For those who can’t recall, the manufacturer would honor my warranty, although it was valid. Air conditioner is now fixed & warranty was honored!
My son and I recently celebrated our birthdays! Mine was July 30th! His was July 31st! He’s 18! He even opened up his first bank account yesterday!
In case you’re wondering about the names on the cake – Dawn is my middle name – and it’s what family & friends call me. CJ is what we call our son – short for Christopher Junior.
This is CJ – right after he opened his bank account yesterday! We’re so proud of him!
Birthdays are a time for reflection. I was thinking about how much our son has grown up. One of my favorite children’s songs popped into my mind. Make Me a Servant. This is my son when he was five years old, singing at his kindergarten graduation with his classmates. Hearing these sweet little voices makes me stop and think about Jesus.

Speaking of Jesus and reflection, in Rocky Road Dreams, Kyle has to think about his life and about his faith. He knows he needs to rely on Jesus, but, he still struggles. I believe most of us can relate to struggling. Kyle has unanswered questions about his past – questions to which he seeks answers.
His curiosity takes him on a journey – a journey in which he discovers more about himself – and his faith.
Join Kyle as he delves into his childhood and uncovers secrets about his past!
A Journey!Speaking of journeys – we’re about to go on an amazing adventure! Stay tuned!