Category Archives: Terri Blackstock

Predator By Terri Blackstock

Predator by Terri Blackstock
Krista Carmichael wants to capture her sister’s murderer. Krista’s fourteen-year-old sister, Ella, was murdered by one of her friends on Grapevyne (a fictional site that’s similar to Facebook). She sets up a fake identity, posing as a teen, so that she can hopefully befriend the man who killed her sister. Meanwhile, her father, David, seeks revenge in his own way. He starts targeting male members at his church, wondering if some of the men in his congregation could’ve been Ella’s killer.

Krista finally targets Ryan Atkins, the person who invented Grapevyne. Can’t he make changes to ensure his site is safe for teens? Ryan suffers from fallout when Krista makes these demands, meanwhile, the killer is still on the loose, targeting other girls to kill.

This was a simple read that you could probably finish in a day or so. As with Terri Blackstock’s usual suspenseful style, there are times when you may get scared while reading the story. It was kind of hard for me to read this book because of the subject matter. It bothered me (a little bit) that it dealt with the death of a young teen. I guess I felt that way because I have a child, and I’d hate to see what the grief would do to me if something happened to him. Krista’s and David’s grief was very raw and fresh. It was extremely difficult for them to deal with their loss.

Overall, a good book. If you enjoy Blackstock’s writing, then you’ll enjoy this story.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Intervention by Terri Blackstock

Intervention by Terri Blackstock
Barbara Covington has one more chance to save her daughter from a devastating addiction, by staging an intervention. But when eighteen-year-old Emily disappears on the way to drug treatment—and her interventionist is found dead at the airport—Barbara enters her darkest nightmare of all.

Barbara and her son set out to find Emily before Detective Kent Harlan arrests her for a crime he is sure she committed. Fearing for Emily’s life, Barbara maintains her daughter’s innocence. But does she really know her anymore? Meanwhile, Kent has questions of his own. His gut tells him that this is a case of an addict killing for drugs, but as he gets to know Barbara, he begins to hope he’s wrong about Emily.

The panic level rises as the mysteries intensify: Did Emily’s obsession with drugs lead her to commit murder—or is she another victim of a cold-blooded killer?

This book is an awesome example of motherly love. Barbara is still grieving over the loss of her husband from a couple of years ago. Her spouse’s death has caused her daughter, Emily, to “act out” and get addicted to drugs. Emily’s behavior has gotten so bad that Barbara finds that she has to stage an intervention to save her child. The interventionist arrives and Emily freaks out, not wanting to hear the letters that her mother and her brother have written about her irratic and destructive behavior. However, once Emily arrives via plane, with the interventionist at the airport where the drug recovery center is located, minutes later, the interventionist is found dead and Emily is missing.

In spite of Emily’s reputation being harmed since the press identifies her as the apparant killer, Barbara knows better. She knows her daughter would never kill, in spite of her recent drug addictions and strange behavior. Barbara is determined to find her daughter, her gut telling her that her child is still alive. Her fourteen year old son Lance also helps with trying to find his sister, not believing his sibling is capable of murder.

This book takes a strange twist as we learn about a detective’s lack of faith in God, and about a demented doctor’s quest to get revenge against the drug recovery facility that “killed” his daughter.

As with Blackstock’s books, this was a suspenseful read that you won’t want to put down – a real page turner.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Dawn’s Light By Terri Blackstock

Dawn’s Light by Terri BlackstockPaperback: 411 pages
Publisher: Zondervan (May 1, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0310257700
ISBN-13: 978-0310257707
In the face of a crisis that sweeps an entire high-tech planet back to the age before electricity, the Brannings face a choice. Will they hoard their possessions to survive—or trust God to provide as they offer their resources to others? #1 bestselling suspense author Terri Blackstock weaves a masterful what-if series in which global catastrophe reveals the darkness in human hearts—and lights the way to restoration for a self-centered world. As the Pulses that caused the outage are finally coming to an end, thirteen-year-old Beth Branning witnesses a murder. Threatened by the killer, she keeps the matter to herself. But her silence could cost her life. Meanwhile, as Deni’s ex-fiance returns to Crockett with a newfound faith and the influence to get things done, Deni is torn between the man who can fulfill all her dreams and Mark Green, the man who inhabits them. As the world slowly emerges from the crisis, the Brannings face their toughest crisis yet. Will God require more of them than they’ve already given? How will they keep their faith if he doesn’t answer their prayers?

This book continues Terri Blackstock’s saga that involves all of the world’s electronics and electricity – both segments cease to work, leaving people scrounging for food, water, and survival since there is no way to transport food and there is no heat or electricity to cook or clean. People still struggle to survive, but the book opens with the lean times getting a bit better, the banks open and customers are allowed to withdraw 2% of the balance shown on the last printed bank statement they received. Thirteen year old Beth Branning sneaks to the bank to see the action, and instead finds herself the witness to a brutal murder. The murderer threatens Beth and her family if she mentions what she’s seen that day. Scared, Beth suffers in silence while her family struggles to understand what kind of demons are haunting her.

Meanwhile, Deni Branning is falling in love with Mark, a Christian neighbor. When Deni’s unsaved ex-fiance, Craig, surpisingly appears from Washington, he makes a big announcement: He’s saved now, and he wants to court Deni again. Deni is torn – Craig has major pull in Washington and he might have the power to get all of the lights in their district turned back on before the others since the Pulses is now over and in a matter of time, things could be back to normal.

When Beth is hurt, Craig comes to the rescue, and Deni is somewhat drawn to Craig’s newfound kindness. What should she do?

I thought the ending to this book was bittersweet. I think I would have had a somewhat different ending. I thought the book was enjoyable and it was a quick fast read that held my interest.

I also noticed that this book alters the way that I think about some things. Like, when my son doesn’t finish his food on his plate, and I throw it away, I remember how the characters in Terri’s books are starving and about how they’d enjoy the food that I’m tossing in the garbage! I know that’s weird, but I think it’s because we’re a land of plenty, but wouldn’t realize it until a crises of this magnitude were to happen, and it would change our attitudes and perceptions about life drastically.

I reviewed the other three novels in this series, here, here, and here.

I emailed Terri Blackstock to ask her some questions about this series and she responded:
How did you come up with the Restoration Series idea?
I came up with the idea when we were all preparing for Y2k (the turn of the century). We thought computers would crash and our power grid would fail. The whole thing captured my imagination. When it didn’t happen, I decided to create an event like that on my own.

Did you lose power and wonder what would happen …?
While I was writing Night Light, Book Two, Katrina hit my state. My power was out for several days, and we had to sit in line for three hours or more to get gas, so I was kind of thrust into the world I was writing about. It turned out to be great research and helped me with the rest of the series.

I hope that helps. Thanks for asking, and for blogging about the series.

You’re welcome, Terry, and I really enjoyed the series! You provided me with several hours of reading pleasure!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

True Light By Terri Blackstock

True Light by Terri Blackstock
Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: Zondervan (July 1, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0310257697
ISBN-13: 978-0310257691

As Oak Hollow grapples with a global power blackout, a teenager is shot in a food robbery. Jailed as the suspect, young Mark Green must prove his innocence to a community that has already judged him in its heart. But the Branning family stands with him as he fights to survive—and forgive. Book three in Terri Blackstock’s Restoration series.

I reviewed books one and two in this series here and here.

This is the third book in the Restoration Series, and, although I enjoyed it, I didn’t like it as much as the first and second books. Why? It might be because I don’t want to see the people suffering anymore because of the lack of food and shelter? I just want the lights to come back on so that everybody can get back to the way their lives used to be! I do think this is a gripping series, and the characters have taken a hold of my mind and I just want to see everything end happily and for people to be okay.

When Zach, a young man, is shot over a deer, panic rises in the town of Oak Hollow. Mark, an Oak Hollow resident, is mistakenly blamed for the shooting, and until Zach recuperates and is no longer unconscious, there seems to be nobody who can clear Mark’s of the crime. Mark’s reputation is tainted because of his father’s background (his father was a murderer as well as a pornographer), and as a Christian, Mark wonders why he’s being forced to suffer from his father’s shady past.

Deni is saddened that Mark, her love interest, has to suffer for a crime he did not commit. The blackout is really affecting the town and this novel spends a great deal of time in the county jail where the skeletal-crew police force is trying to keep the prisoners behind bars.

I enjoyed this intriguing and suspenseful book and look forward to reading the last novel in the series.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Night Light By Terri Blackstock

Night Light by Terri BlackstockPaperback: 368 pages
Publisher: Zondervan (July 1, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0310257689
ISBN-13: 978-0310257684
From the Back Cover
In the face of a crisis that sweeps an entire high-tech planet back to the age before electricity, the Brannings face a choice. Will they hoard their possessions to survive or trust God to provide as they offer their resources to others? #1 bestselling suspense author Terri Blackstock weaves a masterful what-if series in which global catastrophe reveals the darkness in human hearts and lights the way to restoration for a self-centered world. An era unlike any in modern civilization is descending, one without lights, electronics, running water, or automobiles. As a global blackout lengthens into months, the neighbors of Oak Hollow grapple with a chilling realization: the power may never return. Survival has become a lifestyle. When two young thieves break into the Brannings home and clean out the food in their pantry, Jeff Branning tracks them to a filthy apartment and discovers a family of children living alone, stealing to stay alive. Where is their mother? The search for answers uncovers a trail of desperation and murder . . . and for the Brannings, a powerful new purpose that can transform their entire community and above all, themselves.

I reviewed the first book in this series here. I can see why this author is a #1 best-selling writer! I was so impressed by the first book that I ordered the rest of this series from Amazon! I kept thinking about the characters and the fact that the lights, electricity and electronics had not been restored by the end of the first book. The characters never left my mind so I eagerly started the second book in the series months later. This book won’t disappoint you! The world is still without power and mankind is still scavenging for food and clean water. Most of the residents of Oak Hollow have banded together to stay alive. They’ve combined their manpower to build a well, so that they can have clean water to drink. Food is still scarce and when the Brannings find children stealing their food, they discover that the youngsters are living in a dirty apartment building, alone.

The children come to live with the Brannings and the family wonders if they’ll have enough food to feed the extra youngsters. Meanwhile, technology in the world does get a slight boost when it’s discovered that old automobiles, build in the seventies and before that, will work because they don’t use a microchip.

Meanwhile, Deni Branning wonders about her fiance. He doesn’t seem to care that’s she’s almost gotten killed during the blackout. Should she breakup with him?

I highly recommend this novel. The story will keep you entertained for hours. Blackstock is one of my favorite authors. Her suspense is extremely intriquing.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Last Light by Terri Blackstock

Last Light by Terri Blackstock
Publisher: Zondervan (January 1, 2005)
ISBN-10: 0739461303
ISBN-13: 978-0739461303

After an unexplained catastrophic event in the atmosphere knocks out all electronics in the world, materialistic, well-to-do Americans are suddenly left helpless. And as they get down to the essentials of life, they learn to lean on God as they never have before. Book One in the Restoration Series.

This book was really amazing! Blackstock is one of my favorites and the last series that I read which was written by her was the Cape Refuge Series.

This book starts off with a bang! After Deni Branning and her father, Doug, exit a plane at the airport, a couple of planes fall from the sky, crashing on the runway…burning! People are getting hurt and all of the lights and telephones in the airport fail to function! Once Deni and her father get to their car, they notice it won’t start…neither will the other cars in the garage.

Soon, it becomes apparant that most electric and electronic devices no longer function! People are forced to walk home from work; once they are at home, there’s not way, or reason, for them to go to work since there are no electronic devices to run a business! Soon, stores run out of food and merchandise, there’s an unfillable demand for bicyles.

Plus, there’s a killer in the Brannings neighborhood. Things get brutal because there is little that the police and other security forces can do since they are no longer equipped to protect their citizens.

This is a scary book, suspenseful, and kind of deep. It reminds me of a suspense novel and a science fiction novel rolled into one book! It also shows how people turn savage during times of need. Doug tries to convince his family to lean on God during this crisis.

This book reminded me of a few things. Bear with me as I explain myself!

#1. This book reminded me of the Twilight Zone. Deni mentions this show at the beginning of the book. If you’ve been reading this blog long enough, you’ll realize that I’m a fan of this show. I watch the reruns when the sci-fi channel has Twilight Zone marathons on New Year’s Day and Fourth of July.

#2. This book reminded me of the classic novel, Lord Of The Flies. I guess it reminded me of this because the characters were almost stranded with little food and no means to get what they wanted. In Last Light, people turn savage and sometimes kill for food, trying to survive.

#3. Last Light reminded me of a snowstorm in my area about ten or fifteen years ago. The grocery stores were extremely low on food and a fight broke out in the grocery store over a carton of milk!

This book will make you think. After I read it, as I brushed my teeth, made dinner, or ate a piece of cheesecake, I thought about how we take things for granted day by day. We need to realize how truly blessed we are!

I highly recommend this novel. My only gripe was…


The electronics and electricity are still not working by the end of the story!! We assume it’s God who’s making the lights and electronics malfunction. However, I want to see the lights come back on!! I guess I’ll need to read the next book in the series to see what happens! This is a series of four novels, I believe.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Terri Blackstock’s Cape Refuge Series

I found some old books lying around my basement. This was one of them:

I enjoyed reading this book, and the others in the series. If you like a good suspenseful book then you should check out this series. The stories grabbed me, and didn’t want to let me go! I read them a long time ago, so I can’t give a full analysis like I usually do. Just suffice to say that there’s usually a murder or dead body in each story! So check out Terri Blackstock’s Cape Refuge Series. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed!


Cecelia Dowdy

Pearl And Breaker’s Reef

Pearl by Lauraine Snelling
Paperback: 352 pages
Publisher: Bethany House (April 1, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 076422221X
ISBN-13: 978-0764222214

Breaker’s Reef By Terri Blackstock
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Zondervan (March 1, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0310235952
ISBN-13: 978-0310235958

This blog entry is from my old Diaryland blog:
2006-04-29 – 7:14 a.m.

Today is Saturday, April 29th, and I hope all of you had a happy and blessed Easter Holiday. My baby was sick, so my husband and I missed Easter services this year. My husband was sick on Easter Monday, and I was sick on the Tuesday after Easter. Me and hubby are healthy right now, however, our baby seems to either be getting a cold, or, suffering from allergies. Hopefully the little guy will be feeling better soon.

I’ve been doing a little writing here and there during my spare time. I thought I’d take this diary entry to tell you about two great books I recently read.

The first book is called Pearl by Lauraine Snelling. I really enjoyed this historical novel! Pearl “runs away” from home to escape an arranged marriage plotted by her insensitive father. She makes her way to Dakota Territory and makes a new eclectic mix of friends while she is employed as a school teacher in a former whore house that has been converted into a hotel. Pearl has a scar on her neck, which she keeps covered, thinking it will prevent her from finding a suitable mate. I am glad when she is able to find the man of her dreams while living in the Dakotah Territory.

As is common in Lauraine Snelling’s novels, she involves Norwegian characters, and characters with Norwegian ancestry. I like the way she describes their accents and uses a sprinkling of Norwegian phrases in her sentences.

The other novel I’ve read recently is Breaker’s Reef by Terri Blackstock, one of my favorite suspense authors. The murder of a high-school girl has the people on the island of Cape Refuge scared and they are anxious to find the killer. As is common of Ms. Blackstock, she keeps you guessing about the killer’s identity until the very end. There are some interesting characters in this novel, including a quirky writer who turns out to be one of the strongest murder suspects.

Blair, the newspaper reporter, also has to live with scars(like Pearl in Lauraine Snelling’s novel). Just like Pearl, she does end up with the man of her dreams in the end.

I encourage all to read novels by both of these ladies. I’ve read several of their books, and they are good reads that will keep you entertained.

Many Blessings,
Cecelia Dowdy