Tag Archives: 2010 Snow Storm

Still Snowed In

Same story here, still snowed in. Job was closed again today, that’s the fifth consecutive day that they’ve been closed! This is the worse storm I’ve seen in Maryland in my entire life, and I’ve lived in Maryland since birth! My husband and I will be shoveling snow today. The icicles outside our bedroom window have grown even larger, but, I was too lazy to take a picture today!

Here’s the Apple Coffeecake recipe that I promised you! It did turn out yummy and it goes great with a plate of eggs and pork sausage!

Apple Coffee Cake
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
2 cups white sugar
1 cup vegetable oil
4 eggs
1/2 cup orange juice (I did not have any orange juice, so I substituted apple juice instead.)
4 apples – peeled, cored and sliced
5 tablespoons white sugar
5 tablespoons brown sugar
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Lightly grease a 10 inch tube pan.
2. In a large bowl, stir together flour and baking powder. In a separate
bowl, beat together 2 cups sugar, vegetable oil, eggs. Stir egg mixture into
flour mixture, alternately with orange juice, until smooth. In a small bowl, combine 5 tablespoons white sugar, 5 tablespoons brown sugar and 2 teaspoons
3. Pour 1/2 of batter into prepared pan. Add 1/2 of the apples then 1/2 of the cinnamon sugar mixture. Repeat with remaining ingredients.
4. Bake in preheated oven until a toothpick inserted into center of cake comes out clean, about 50 to 70 minutes. Let cool for 15 to 20 minutes, invert on a plate and


~Cecelia Dowdy~

Still Snowed In

I’m still snowed in my house. My job was closed again today, and to to tell you the truth, I believe this is a record for me. In all of my history of working full-time after college, I think this is the first time that I’ve been off for four consecutive days because of inclement weather. In Maryland, it’s rare for us to get so much snow. After the huge snowstorm on Friday and Saturday, it took hubby and I three days to dig out. We ventured out to the grocery store yesterday and the place was a madhouse. Why? Another snowstorm was expected and people were stocking up on supplies. The roads were hideous and I was slipping and sliding over chunks of ice in the middle of the road. I did go to my chiropractor appointment last night and at that point, the snow had started again. It was coming down fast and furious and the shopping mall where my chiropractor is located started shutting down. Stores were closing and people were leaving. When I left the doctor’s office, my car was covered in snow and I had to clean it off before driving home! It’s just amazing and phenomenal for us to get so much white stuff in such a short amount of time! Our public transportation, Metro, is shut down today. There’s no bus service and the rail service is limited. It’s been that way for a few days now. The bus service that was running earlier this week was incomplete and not dependable.

I am enjoying my time away from my job, though! I’ve been working mega overtime for the past month and it’s a blessing to be off for so many days with pay, and without using vacation time! I’ve still been in the kitchen a lot, cooking for my family! This morning I got up early and made an apple coffee cake. If it turns out good, I’ll share the recipe with you.

During this winter storm, I’ve also been reading Breaking Dawn, the last book in The Twilight series. All I can say so far is, I loved the first part of the book, but the rest leaves me feeling like I’m reading outside of my element! It’s a very weird story, more science-fiction-like than the first novel and I’ll post a full blog post about this book once I’m finished with it. It’s a big book, about 750 pages, and I’m about 3/4 of the way finished with it.

I’ve also been getting some writing done during this storm. Remember my rejected proposal that I’d mentioned awhile back? Well, I’ve been working on another proposal to send to Barbour. Hopefully, they’ll like this one! I plan on getting that out the door by the end of this week or early next week.

The icicles in front of my bedroom window have grown! They’ve gotten longer and thicker! Here’s the pic:

Here’s some more pics from the winter storm:

Any of you have a lot of snow in your area? If so, how much and does it hinder your daily routine?

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Still Digging….

Tomorrow, hopefully, I’ll be back to blogging about regular reading and writing topics! We were still digging our driveway today. It’s pretty clear now. Initially, I tried to drive out of the driveway but got stuck. We were able to clear the snow from around my tires before I was able to back completely out of the driveway! I didn’t go out to the store or anything. I just wanted to be sure that I could get out because I’m assuming my job will be open tomorrow. Both my job, and my husband’s job were closed today because of the weather.

During this storm, I’ve found myself in the kitchen a lot more! This morning I made pancakes and bacon! I make bacon sometimes on the weekends. I’ve also recently discovered that I prefer making it in the oven instead of the skillet. It’s so much easier. Here’s how I do it:

Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Separate slices of bacon and place into a clean pan (I use a cookie sheet, the kind that’s like a shallow pan/jellyroll pan – it has sides along the edges. You don’t want to use a cookie sheet without sides because the bacon grease will roll off the pan and into your oven, creating a big mess!)

Place bacon into preheated oven and bake for 10-12 minutes. Cooking times may vary by oven.

Remove from oven when it’s done. Drain on a paper towel.

Enjoy! 🙂

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Digging Out!

The snow finally stopped and we got over twenty inches of the white stuff! Today, we’re going to finish digging ourselves out! All of the churches in the area have been cancelled because of the weather and the roads still look horrible! Hopefully, by the end of the day, things will be more normal – although I think it’ll be awhile before they dig all of the snow from the back roads.

We have some huge icicles outside our bedroom window! I don’t think I’ve ever seen icicles this huge outside our house before! Those things are big enough to crash down and break something! Here’s a few pics:

~Cecelia Dowdy~


We’re in the midst of a terrible snowstorm over here in Maryland. They said to expect blizzard-like conditions and the weatherman predicted up to thirty inches of snow. People have been talking about this storm all week and before I left my job on Friday evening, my employer sent out an email, stating that our job was closed the following day (Friday) because of the impending storm. They also say that this MAY be one of the biggest storms in DC history! Some people are now without power and our lights have flickered a few times, but we still have electricity! It’s unusual to get so much snow in this part of the country – that’s why it’s so hard for us to deal with. We don’t have the resources to shovel and plow this much snow and still be able to get around. Most businesses are closed, except for hospitals and emergency places. I took a quick pic with my cell phone. Here it is:

My son is excited about the snow. He says it’ll get real high, “Taller than me, Mommy.” I told him he can’t go out and play in it, there’s too much, and we wouldn’t get very far in it, anyway. It’ll be interesting to see what it’ll look like when it’s done.

Yesterday, I baked a chocolate cake since it was so cold and snowy. Hubby loved it. Here’s the recipe I used if you’re interested in making this tasty treat!

~Cecelia Dowdy~