Monthly Archives: May 2007

The Last Ten Percent By Michelle McKinney Hammond

Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers (March 1, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0736914803
ISBN-13: 978-0736914802

Book Description:
“Didn’t you listen to the news this morning? According to the latest statistics, the only places that have eligible men left are China, Alaska, and Utah!”
Wondering what to do now, Tracy examines her priorities and choices. You’d think an intelligent woman with an impressive career, a coveted urban dwelling, and a closet full of the latest fashions could certainly find the man her heart desires.

But for Tracy and her four friends, there’s more to happiness than simply finding Mr. Right. Adrian has always been the perfect Christian wife, yet even she finds marriage comes with no guarantees. Muriel would just as soon lock her heart away where no man dares to tread. Felicia could use a lesson in romantic restraint, and Carla wonders if God is punishing her for past mistakes.

As the future unfolds, these longtime friends discover that love comes in unique and amazing ways.

Michelle McKinney Hammond, a writer, singer, and speaker who focuses on improving love-driven relationships, is the founder and president of HeartWing Ministries as well as the cohost of the Emmy-nominated show Aspiring Women. Michelle is the author of Sassy, Single, & Satisfied, The DIVA Principle™, and 101 Ways to Get and Keep His Attention. This is her first novel.


As many of you know, I’m not a non-fiction lover. Therefore, I’ve never read MMH’s non-fiction books about relationships, so it’s hard for me to compare the novel to her other published works.

This book reminded me of a Waiting To Exhale with a Christian twist. You have four good friends who lunch together frequently and commiserate about their relationships. None of the friends is in a successful, fulfilling romantic relationship and they talk about this to a great extent when they get together for lunch.

Adrian is the most ‘holy’ of the group. Married before she was saved, her husband saw something in Adrian that he really liked. However, during her marriage, she found Jesus, and focused all of her energies on Him, neglecting being a passionate wife to her husband. She went through the motions of being a wife to her husband, not enjoying her role as his wife, but finding fulfillment only in her church activities. It’s a crashing wake up call when her husband leaves her a note and abandons her.

Muriel has been through some tough times, so she refuses to date any man. However, she does find herself suddenly spending time with a good-looking white man whom catches her attention. He helps her to unlock the pain that’s holding her captive, releasing her to love him.

Tracy just keeps getting into bad relationships and she has a strange love/hate relationship with Felicia, her sister-cousin. She has a hard time dealing with interracial relationships since she catches her current beau making out with a white woman in a restaurant.

Felicia finds herself pregnant by a good-looking and successful plastic surgeon(Kenny). She’s paranoid about their relationship, under the impression that Kenny is cheating on her, so she decides to cut him out of her life completely, not wanting him to have a part of their child’s life.

Then there’s Carla, who’s been through pain in the past and she finally finds the courage to tell her husband about what she’s been through before they were married, wondering if her past actions were affecting their not being able to conceive.

I found that Ms. Hammond’s point to this novel was that the reason a majority of these women’s relationships did not work was because they did not focus on Him enough, or not at all, except for Adrian. Adrian focused only on God, and let her marriage fall by the wayside.

Cecelia Dowdy

Sunfest In Ocean City Maryland

I know it’s late May, but in my mind it’s the third week in September….my writing mind, that is. The setting for my latest book is Ocean City Maryland. I’m currently researching different events that occur during the fall and winter months in the beach city! I’ve been to Ocean City a number of times, however, I usually go during the summer, when tons of tourists visit this place!

Sunfest sounded like a great event to highlight in my book! It sounds fun and wonderful!

Cecelia Dowdy

Iced Coffee

I’m haphazardly trying to get my manuscript together for my July 1 deadline. I was off from work today, and my son was at home with me. It’s hard to get any work done with an almost-two-year-old around. When he settled in for his nap, I felt like I wanted a nap, too. However, my work beckoned to me, so I made an iced coffee to stay awake. Since I was impatient, I didn’t allow my coffee to cool properly, so it wasn’t as good as the iced coffees I’d gotten at restaurants and coffee places. My coffee ended up tasting lukewarm, even after I’d added the ice cubes, but I drank it anyway since I needed to stay awake.

I got a fair amount of work done, and I’m glad about that.

Also, I’ve started reading Michelle McKinney Hammond’s book The Last Ten Percent. I’ll post a full review about it once I’m finished with the novel.

Cecelia Dowdy

Book Trailers

While doing a search on Youtube, I found a few book trailers of Christian fiction novels and Christian fiction novels that had been turned into movies. For the latter, the book trailer is actually a movie trailer, which certainly gives it a more professional appeal. Here are the links to the Christian book movie trailers I was looking at the last couple of days:
House The Movie by Ted Dekker and Frank Peretti
For those of you who are interested, I reviewed this book for my blog back in November? Feel free to browse through the archives to see what I thought about this novel.
Thr3e The Movie By Ted Dekker
I reviewed this novel sometime last year. Feel free to search through the archives to see what I thought of this thriller!

And here are a few Christian fiction book trailers:
Left Behind – Eternal Forces By Time LaHaye And Jerry Jenkins
I just blogged about the first book in this series a few days ago, although I read the book several years ago.

Petticoat Ranch
by Mary Connealy
I purchased this book recently, but have not found time to read it yet.
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Your Wedding by Cindy K. Green
Heart Of Gold by Rebecca Goings

If you see any other interesting Christian book trailers, feel free to send me the links so that I can post on my blog.

Cecelia Dowdy

Book Trailers

More and more authors are using book trailers to promote their books. A book trailer is similiar to a movie trailer which you usually see before a movie starts. I’ve noticed you view a lot of these on Youtube I’ll try and gather up a few book trailers for Christian novels and post the links on the blog tomorrow.

Cecelia Dowdy

Catching Katie By Robin Lee Hatcher

Publisher: Tyndale (2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0739440012
ISBN-13: 978-0739440018

Re-released as a paperback:
Paperback: 300 pages
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers; Reprint edition (January 1, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0842360999
ISBN-13: 978-0842360999

From the inside cover:

Katie Jones is committed to fighting for the cause of women’s suffrage. She has no time for romance, especially not with her best friend Ben Rafferty. But when Katie’s column in Ben’s newspaper, The Homestead Herald, stirs things up, sparks begin to fly. Ben is set on winning Katie over, but Katie is just as determined to stay true to her 1916 feminist ideals. With such strong obstacles in the way, their relationship can’t possibly progress. Unless somehow love finds a way…

I purchased this book from Crossings a few years ago, but just got around to reading it. I loved this book! The romance was heartwarming, tender, and oh, so good! Not too long ago, I was talking about building believable characters. Robin Lee Hatcher has built a believable character when she created Katie Jones. Katie is educated, smart, determined, and stubborn. She is passionate about the Women’s Suffrage Movement, and feels that God has called her to make a huge difference by helping to provide equal rights for women.

However, she feels that she should not get married in order to properly heed this call. Her desire to not marry, in order to heed her calling provides a perfect conflict for a romance novel.

Ben Rafferty falls in love with Katie when she breezes back into town, demanding he allow her to have a weekly column in his newspaper. All he wants is to see Katie happy, but he finds himself sacrificing his own dreams in order to provide Katie with the happiness that she thinks she wants. Katie soon discovers that she’s unsure of what she wants in order to be happy. Although she fiercly believes in the movement, she’s unsure if this is what God has called her to do.

I was so into this book that it almost made me want to go out and read more about Susan B. Anthony and the Woman’s Suffrage Movement on my own. The book is so good and well-written that I think it could prove to be a useful tool in the classroom when a history class studies women’s suffrage.

Also, this was kind of strange. In the version I was reading from Crossings, Katie is described in the book as having black hair. However, the cover shows her hair as more of a light brown. Since she looks this way on the cover, the mental image I had of Katie in my mind while reading the story was of Kate Winslet (Rose) in the movie Titanic. I don’t think Kate Winslet’s hair was light brown? I think it was red, however, I pictured Kate Winslet with light brown hair whenver I read about Katie Jones. It appears that the cover was fixed for the re-released paperback version. As you can see above, the cover for the paperback version has Katie with dark hair.

I love Robin Lee Hatcher’s books and below, I’ve listed a few others that I’ve read and enjoyed. I can’t give full-blown summaries as I’ve done for the one above since I read them so long ago. However, I just want to recommend these titles. These titles are also good examples to read if you’re trying to break into the Christian romance market with your own work:

Speak To Me Of Love
ISBN: 0842360980
Pub. Date: August 2003

The Forgiving Hour
Series: Heartquest Series
ISBN: 1578562775
Pub. Date: February 1999

There are two others I’ve read (maybe more) but the titles escape me. I scrolled through amazon, but there are a lot of titles under her name, too many for me to sort through with my limited time! If memory serves me correctly, I read one of her novels in the Coming To America series! Also I read another that I believe took place on a sheep farm and it’s a historical? I also recall the hero had served time for a crime he did not commit? If anybody can tell me the title of the sheep farm book, let me know, and I’ll gladly add them to this blog entry.

Cecelia Dowdy

Haunted Office Building

That term was going through my mind when I was at work this afternoon! We hear of haunted houses, but never haunted office buildings! I was thinking it would make a cool story…if I could write that type of fiction! I think of Peretti or Dekker writing a novel about a haunted office building…the workers are trapped inside as demons lurk around the corner…

Oh, well, maybe I’m working too hard since those things were going through my mind today!


Cecelia Dowdy

Writing Contests

I just recently finished judging entries for two writing contests. One of them needs published authors for the second round of judging, so I volunteered for that, also. I want to encourage all unpublished writers to enter contests! It’s a great way to get feedback from readers and published authors! You may receive some great tips that’ll help you get published along the way!

Cecelia Dowdy