Category Archives: Historicals

A Teacher’s Heart – Book Giveaway! Completed! No More Entries!


If you like historicals then, you should check out A Teacher’s Heart. It’s a historical romance novella collection that I’m sure you will enjoy.

I hope and pray all of you are staying safe during the Coronavirus Covid 19 outbreak. Never, in my entire life, have I ever seen anything like this. I heard on the news that the entire country of Italy is quarantined and all stores, with the exception of food, and other necessary stores, are closed down. Nobody is allowed out of their house without a good reason (like going to store). So many people have died in China and over Europe.

The same is also happening in the state of California and in New York. My son’s school is closed and my the place where I work is closed. However, we are allowed to work from home.

If a year ago, somebody predicted that this would happen, I would never have believed it, not in this day and age. I’m still trying to wrap my head around all that’s been going on in the world. I feel like this is something that would happen in a science fiction novel. It just doesn’t seem real. It doesn’t feel real. I almost feel like I’m dreaming, if you know what I mean.

Please keep all affected in your thoughts and prayers. We need healing and miracles in the world right now! Jesus, please help us!

I’m giving away two copies of A Teacher’s Heart. Please follow these directions if you want to be entered into the drawing: the only way to be entered is if you leave a comment by answering the question referenced below. You must leave your email address in the comment! How are you and your loved ones holding up during the coronavirus/covid 19? Again, answer that question and leave your answer as a comment on this blog post!

Continental U.S. only!

Have a blessed day! Stay safe and don’t forget to pray for all of those affected by the coronavirus!

Back to School and a Cool Book Sale!

Philippians 4:13 New King James Version (NKJV)
13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
That scripture comes to mind when I think about my plans for the future. So much has been going through my mind lately, and, as I get older, I find that there are things that I want to do while I’m on this God-given earth.
I’m going back to school in May 2019 – I’ll be earning my Master’s Degree in Accounting and Financial Management at the University of Maryland (my alma mater). I’ll also be taking the CPA exam after I’ve completed my degree (if I still desire to sit for the exam after I get my Master’s). I’d been researching graduate school when I was in my late twenties, but, I started writing instead! The writing took over and I just pushed graduate school into the background.
While I’m in school, I’ll still be releasing new material! I recently got the rights back to all of my contemporary romance novels that were published by traditional publishers. I’ll be re-releasing those titl es while I’m in school.
By the way, Barbour Publishing recently placed The Underground Railroad Brides Collection on sale! Come check out this wonderful collection and if you’ve already read it, I highly encourage you to get a copy for a friend or loved one! The sale is only valid via the link above – the reduced price is NOT on Amazon or other book retailers.


I hope all of you enjoy your week! Spring is in the air….will you be planting a garden this year?

Book Giveaway – The Underground Railroad Brides Collection!

This giveaway is now closed! I announced the winners here!


Have you ever baked bread? If so, what kind of bread did/do you bake? 


I’m hosting a book giveaway. I’m giving away 2 copies of The Underground Railroad Brides Collection. These 2 copies are SPECIAL since they’re signed by all nine authors! In order to be entered into the giveaway, you must answer my question about baking bread. You must also leave your email address in your comment! I need an email address in order to ship the books to the two winners!

The title of my story in this collection is called The Bakery Bride. I loved writing this story and I really enjoyed researching how bakeries functioned during historical times. The Bakery Bride is the strongest story that I’ve ever written and I’m so glad that I took a leap of faith and wrote a historical novella.

One thing that I enjoyed learning about, regarding baking, is that during historical times, they couldn’t go to the store and simply purchase yeast. Back then, the yeast used in all breads was from a sourdough starter. The starter was made from natural yeasts captured in the air. Once this yeast is captured, you feed it with water, flour, and maybe some sugar regularly. You use about a cup (or more) of this natural sourdough yeast starter whenever you make loaves of bread. If you feed your starter regularly, and take good care of it, the starter will remain alive indefinitely. This just blows my mind!

I researched this and found that there are some sourdough starters that are hundreds, even thousands of years old! Can you imagine that? Can you imagine somebody during Biblical times starting a sourdough starter and that very same starter could be alive, being used in bread today?? Just thinking about that makes me say “WOW”!!!

So, are you a bread baker? If so, what kind of bread do you enjoy baking? I’d also like to know if you’ve ever used a sourdough starter!

Underground Railroad Brides Collection – Received My Author Copies!


I hope all of you are doing well! I was so happy that I just had to send you a quick note to share my joy! Today, my author copies arrived for The Underground Railroad Brides Collection!
This is the first time that I’ve had a historical novella published. As a matter of fact, this is the first historical that I’ve ever written! I can honestly say that this is probably my strongest, most emotional piece of fiction.
Several years ago, an author friend of mine, Debby Lee, approached me about doing this collection. We brought on some other authors but initially, we were not offered a contract for our stories. I suppose the timing was not right. We waited a few years (well, more than a few) and decided to try again. We were pleased when we were offered a contract. It just feels so good to hold this book in my hands!
Ramona Cecil, another author in this collection, helped me with research. She knows a lot about history and her knowledge was helpful when I had specific questions.
You can read the first part of chapter one for The Bakery Bride here.
I hope all of you have a blessed weekend! Don’t be a stranger – follow me on Facebook! If you have any questions about writing then send me an email!
God bless and have a great week!

Valentine’s Day and a Preorder

Do you celebrate Valentine’s Day? If so, what will you do to celebrate this year?

My husband and I will be attending an old-school concert. I might bake some heart-shaped cookies – depends on how I feel. I certainly don’t need the cookies, but, my sweet tooth aches sometimes and I need to have my dessert!

Do you have any special memories about how you celebrated Valentine’s Day as a child, and as an adult? If so I’d love to hear about them!

So, tell me how you will be celebrating Valentine’s Day. I’d also love to know about your Valentine’s Day memories, too!

I also wanted to mention that The Underground Railroad Brides Collection is now available for preorder! I authored one of the nine novellas in this historical collection. This is my first historical and I honestly believe it’s one of the strongest stories that I’ve ever written. Come and sample these beautiful love stories by some wonderful Christian authors! 

The Writing Desk


The Writing Desk by Rachel Hauck

Have you ever been estranged from your parent(s)? So estranged that you barely spoke to one another for years?

This book focuses on two women, Tenley’s story takes place during modern times. Birdie’s story is a historical.

Tenley is floored, literally, when she receives a marriage proposal right before she receives a prestigious writing award. Suffering from writers’ block, she struggles with making decisions – should she go to Paris with her boyfriend or travel to Florida to care for her estranged mom. Isn’t it too late to try and fix their broken familial relationship?

Birdie wants to publish her romance novel. But, her parents aren’t aware of her writing aspirations. They want her to marry a well-to-do man that they’ve chosen. I almost felt as if Birdie had been born 100 years too early – she seemed like a modern woman.

Both Birdie’s and Tenley’s stories are related in a unique and appealing way. This was a light, enjoyable summer read.

So, have you ever been estranged from your parent(s) – so estranged that you barely spoke to one another for years? What did you do about it? Did you reconcile?



Barbour Publishing – Agreement For Underground Railroad Novella Collection

Do you like to read historical romance novels?

Well, it’s been a long time, but, I’ve finally received a contract for a commercially published novel. The Underground Railroad Brides Collection (tentative title) will feature my novella The Bakery Bride. The tentative release date is June 2018.

I’ve been focusing on my indie published books for the last few years. Before that, I was seeking commercial publication for about four years (last commercial contract I received was probably in 2008 or 2009). Like most authors, I found the indie/self-pubbed market to be lucrative only after releasing several books. I love releasing my own works myself as e-books. However when approached about doing this project, I agreed to submit something. Reason why? I’ve been itching to see one of my books in a bookstore (or places like Walmart, Target, etc.). Seeing this novella collection on the shelf will cure that itch.

I’ll still be releasing my own works since I love doing that! I’m unclear as to if I’ll continue to seek other commercial/traditional contracts though.

Doing this book is a leap of faith for me. This will be my first historical novel. Prior to this, all of my works have been contemporary.

So do you like to read historical novels? If so, do you have a favorite time period?