Daily Archives: May 22, 2008

Leave Your Email Address!

I’ve FINALLY gotten around to drawing the names for the winners of my last book giveaway.

However the following novels are still up for grabs:

Listening To Her Heart by Joyce Livingston – A Heartsong Presents Title
What’s Cooking by Gail Sattler – An old Heartsong Presents Title
Margaret’s Quest by Muncy G. Chapman – An old Heartsong Presents Title

I had a hard time doing the drawing because hardly anybody left their email address!! I guess I need to stress that you need to leave an email addy each time I have a book giveaway! When you leave a comment through your blogger profile, chances are, the email address is NOT showing on your profile! Sometimes people have it set to show, but I’m finding a majority of the time when you access people’s blogger profiles, they don’t have an email address available, so then I’m stuck as to how to contact the winner.

After I get rid of these three books, I’ll contact the winners and do another book giveaway soon!

~Cecelia Dowdy~