Chesapeake Weddings – The Making Of My Book Cover

I’ve gotten so many compliments about my book cover that I contacted the designer: Kirk DouPonce at DogEared Design. I wanted to find out the process he used in designing my book cover. I asked him the following question and I’ve also noted his response.

I was wondering about the process you used for developing my book cover? Did you use stock photos or did you draw the images yourself? One of the stories is set on a dairy farm, so I’m assuming that Barbour gave you a synopsis of the story?

Hi Cecelia, I’m happy to hear that your book is being well received!
The publisher provided a general synopsis of each of the three novels, allowing me to choose which to depict. I thought the farm scene would be the most fun, so I researched a number of stock sites to see what I could find. In the end I created the image using multiple photos, attached.

Here are the pics that Kirk attached in his email to me. I can see how the cover was created from the following images:

And…voila – here’s the book cover! 🙂

~Cecelia Dowdy~

15 thoughts on “Chesapeake Weddings – The Making Of My Book Cover

  1. Sylvia Vann

    The book cover is amazing. Thank you for posting how it came to be. If it was done any other way I do not think that it would have done it justice.

  2. Cecelia Dowdy

    Carla, great comment! How in the world did they get the overalls on her! The overalls is the only effect that I don’t see in the stock photos. I do notice that the girl’s face is identical to the girl in the blue and black outfit! It was kind of surprising seeing that, the face I’ve been looking at for the past few weeks “come to life” in a real photograph! LOL!

  3. Nedra

    Cecelia, congratulations on your book. I never would have imagined that it took those 3 photos to make the cover. Thanks for sharing the cool stuff as well as the down-to-business stuff that you go through as an author. May God bless you in every way!

  4. Bluerose

    That IS a beautiful cover!! I love the purple background, too. I also love it when author’s share how their covers were done. It’ one of my favorite things in the world to read! 🙂


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