Category Archives: Chesapeake Weddings

Stocking Stuffer Idea – Chesapeake Weddings Only $1.99!

Do you need a stocking stuffer for the Holidays? Chesapeake Weddings is only $1.99 at!
I encourage you to order several copies to share with family and friends over the glorious Christmas season. It’d make a perfect gift for members of your book club or for ladies at your church. What an inexpensive way to spread Christmas cheer this year! 🙂

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Milk Money! :-)

I just found out about the following comment today left on a book review blog for my novel, Milk Money. Milk Money is book #2 in the Chesapeake Weddings collection. Here’s the comment:
Great Book!
by: Anonymous

I’ve been reading Heartsong Presents books lately, and I just started reading Milk Money. I love the story. These books remind me that there is always a loving God who cares about you and will never leave you.

Thankyou, Cecelia Dowdy for writing this book!
-16 years old, NH =)

I love hearing from teenagers! It’s great to see that people are still reading my books and I’m humbled and pleased by the praise.

It’s just so sad that Heartsong Presents no longer exists! 🙁

The Chesapeake Weddings collection is still available at for only $2.79 if you’d still like to purchase a copy. If you order 3 or more copies, the price drops to $1.79! They make great gifts for friends, family, church members and women’s groups! You can even do some early Christmas shopping and use them as stocking stuffers! 🙂

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Upcoming Book Event In Baltimore – July 23, 2011

The Women’s Ministry

Concord Baptist Church


Christian Fiction Author

Cecelia Dowdy

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Beginning @ 11:30 am

Book reading and signing

Light Reception

The featured book

Chesapeake Weddings

Books will be available for purchase for $8


Rhonda Yvette Parker, Event Chairperson

Minister Shayna Foster, Women’s Ministry Chair

Dr. Matthew L. Jones, Pastor

Concord Baptist Church

5204 Liberty Heights Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21215

And these things we write, so that our joy may be complete. 1 John 1:4

A Reader Compared Me To Debbie Macomber! :-)

I received the following email recently from a reader:

Hi Cecelia ~
I must tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed Cheasapeake Weddings–John’s Quest, Milk Money and Bittersweet Memories. I don’t know which is my favorite. I’ve enjoyed them all! I love the way you write–so clean, sweet and memorable. Reminds me of Debbie Maccomber.

~Beverly Taylor~

Thanks for the awesome email, Beverly! I enjoyed hearing about how much you enjoyed my stories and I loved that you compared me to Debbie! She’s a great author, and I’ve never had anybody to compare me to her before!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Wonderful Words About Chesapeake Weddings! :-)

La Verne Ford wrote the following comment in yesterday’s blog post:
The Chesapeake Weddings three-in-one collection is wonderful so far. I am now reading Bittersweet Memeories. They are [an] inspiration to me and very encouraging. They have reached the very core of my heart.

La Verne, thanks for the kind words. I’ve heard many positive things about Chesapeake Weddings and I’m glad so many people have enjoyed the stories.

Just wanted to point out that Chesapeake Weddings is still available at Also, I’m still working on other projects. One is sitting at a publisher, and I’m waiting to hear from them. I’m also talking to a literary agent about another proposal. Hopefully, and prayerfully, I’ll get a contract for another novel in 2011! 🙂

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Cheap Stocking Stuffer Idea – Only 99 cents

I wanted to mention that my novel collection, Chesapeake Weddings, is on sale at for only 99 cents! It’s a three-book deal all under one beautiful paperback cover and it’s less than one dollar! If you’re looking for cheap deals to use as stocking stuffers this year, then you should consider my book! It’d make a great gift for friends and church members!

Relax along Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay as you read about three strong African American women who suddenly face upheaval in life. Monica is caring for her abandoned nephew and trying to pick the proper tutor for him. Emily is struggling to save the family farm when a CPA turns up to do an audit. Karen has been deceived by her fianci, and now she’s expected to trust a neighbor who knows too much of her business. Can God rebuild their tattered lives with new loves?

Merry Christmas!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Rejection! :-( And A Nice Letter

My editor at Barbour received the following email today about my novel collection, Chesapeake Weddings:

I am currently reading Cecelia Dowdy’s Chesapeake Weddings. This book is an inspiration and allows us to put ourselves into these situations while also keeping God as the main focus of the novels.

I also received a rejection today! Blah! I haven’t been under contract in almost two years and it’s starting to bother me, but, I’m not one to give up! Here’s what the rejection said:
Dear Cecelia,
Thank you so much for your patience as we read your project, Gabriel’s Pride. While the story has some interesting elements, I’m afraid this story doesn’t quite work for our line. Unfortunately, the romantic conflict between the hero and heroine is not as compelling as it needed to be.

We’re sorry to disappoint you on this project. We would be happy to look at any other projects you may be working on suited for our line. Thank you for thinking of us.
signed by the editor.

So, there, you have it! Another rejection! Whew! I’m tired of these!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Why Do You Want To Get Published?

I’m wondering why people want to get published? When people find out that I’m an author, there’s a good chance they’ll say to me, “I’ve always wanted to write a book.” Or they’ll say they know a cousin, aunt, uncle, son, daughter, or some other relative who wants to write a book.

I’m wondering if people mistakenly think that when you write a book and get published, you get tons of money and can quit your day job, writing pages and pages of prose everyday?

Or, I wonder if they think they’ll be famous and admired, like Stephen King or J.K. Rowling or Stephanie Meyer?

Why did I want to get published, and why do I STILL want to get published? I’ve been reading books practically all of my life. Reading has given me an enjoyment that surpassess all of my other hobbies. When I was twenty-eight, I was at my lunch break at work and I didn’t have anything to read. So I decided to write a book.

I’ve been writing ever since.

I guess getting published just gives me a jolt of happiness because I’ve accomplished something that I’ve admired others doing my entire life. Books and reading have always been a big part of my life and the people represent a community that wasn’t really a personal part of my life – meaning, I didn’t have direct contact with authors, publishers, etc. I just read and enjoyed the books. Now being a part of the community that has brought me such joy over the years just gives me a feeling of warmth? I guess that’s why I want to be published so much. Also, I love just knowing that thousands upon thousands of people have read my books and I’ve gotten several letters and emails from readers, stating how much they’ve enjoyed my work! Hearing those words gives me a euphoric feeling and I’m glad that others have enjoyed my books!

I didn’t want to get published for financial reasons, that’s for sure! Most writers are poor, barely able to make a living, which is why most of us have day jobs or we’re living off of our spouses. Initially, I’d thought that writers made about as much as full-time workers. After I became acquainted with the writing community I’ve found that it’s a rarity for writers to make a steady income from their published works.

Now it’s your turn. Why do you want to get published? This inquring mind wants to know!

Also, I want to remind everybody that Chesapeake Weddings is now available at for only $2.79! Do a bit of your Christmas shopping early and purchase multiple copies to use as gifts and stocking stuffers! Where else can you get a brand-new 367-page, trade-sized paperback book for such a low price?

~Cecelia Dowdy~