My Book Is Out!

I went to the Family Christian Store in Laurel Maryland because I knew they had it in stock. Imagine how shocked I was when I walked into the store and it wasn’t there! I asked the store clerk about it. She typed my name into the computer and said it wasn’t pulling anything up. I then told her the title, Chesapeake Weddings.

She checked the computer again and said they had six copies in stock, then I said, “But, it’s not on the shelf.” I walked her over to where it should be. I pointed to the spot where it should’ve been. “It should be right here, beside DOW and right below DEKKER.”

She said, “Maybe it’s over here in our new release section.” It wasn’t there. She then said, “It’s probably still in the back boxed up.” She then went on to explain that they get boxes of new books to shelve every weekday.

Then I said, “But, it’s April first, It should’ve been on the shelf by now.” She went into the back and returned minutes later with six copies of my book! She placed them on the shelf, face out! I even took a picture:

I even purchased a copy of my own book! I told a couple of people browsing in the fiction section that I had a new release out and that they should consider buying my book! So, if you’re trying to find my book in the store, it’s probably best to give them the title, Chesapeake Weddings. Everybody seems to spell my first name wrong. Also, if you want to go to Barnes and Noble, Borders, or Family Christian, you can go to their website, access my book and then put in your zip code to see if the book is in stock anywhere in your area.

Or, you can always order a copy online. Chesapeake Weddings is available at most online bookstores.

I know the economy has been pretty bad for folks, so if you want a copy of my book but can’t afford it, you might want to request your local library to order a copy.

Also, if you’ve read Chesapeake Weddings, or any of my individual Heartsongs that make up the Chesapeake Wedding compilation, I’d appreciate it if you left an honest review here.
~Cecelia Dowdy~

12 thoughts on “My Book Is Out!

  1. Kennisha Hill

    Congratulations, Cecelia! I really look forward to reading your new release and will post a review on my blog!

    Blessings to you this Resurrection Weekend!!


  2. sharonjo

    Congratulations on the release of Chesapeake Weddings! So exciting–can’t imagine the feeling you get when you see your book on the shelves at the bookstore.

    As I read this, I kept thinking maybe the reason you couldn’t find the books on the shelves was because they had already sold all their copies! Hopefully they’ll soon be flying off the shelves. Wishing you much success!

  3. Cecelia Dowdy

    Thanks, Kennisha! I hope you enjoy the book and I hope you have a blessed Easter, too!

    Sharon, it would be nice if those books had been flying off the shelves already!

    I do know that Barbour has no more copies left in stock. My print run pretty much vanished with the book orders placed by stores, distributors, etc. Only reason I know this is because I only get 10 author copies, so I wanted to order extras (authors can order extras at a discount) I wanted 50 extras, Barbour only had 36 left and they said the book flew out the door pretty quickly. Now, let’s just hope and pray that the copies that flew out to the distributors and bookstores will actually sell! 🙂

  4. ellenmaze

    This is wonderful! Praise the Lord! I’ll be sure to add it to my wishlist and keep an eye skinned for it at the store.

    Thank you for letting us know Cecelia!

    Blessings on this Resurrection Weekend,
    In His love
    ellen c maze
    author of Christian Fiction Thrillers,

  5. Tea

    I am so happy for you, Cecilia. You are a really sweet person. Congratulations. I thank God for your blessing. I hope there are many to come in the future.


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