My Dream Bookstore

I recently went on another book-finding field trip again! First I went to Family Christian in Bowie, Maryland, but my book was not there. Apparently, they don’t carry the 3-in-1s at that Family Christian location. I then went to Barnes and Noble in Bowie. I didn’t see my book there, either, but when I was in the Christian fiction section, a customer started talking to me. She asked, “What do you like to read?”
The floodgates opened and I told her about my being an author and that I had a book out now, but it wasn’t in the Barnes and Noble in Bowie! I did encourage her to purchase my book elsewhere or online. While there, we chatted about the books on the shelves…actually, I did most of the chatting. I pointed out authors like Claudia Mair Burney, Stacey Hawkins Adams, Tracie Peterson, Ted Dekker, Debbie Macomber, Francine Rivers…I went on and on about the books I’d read that were populating the shelves. She said, “When do you find time to read all these books and write too?”

I said, “I don’t know!”

When I finally got back to the car (I’d left hubby in the car) I told my husband about my conversation in the bookstore and he said, “You should open a bookstore.”

I think I’d like that! Can you imagine, my own bookstore? After Barnes and Noble, we traveled to Borders in Bowie and we found the book on the shelf! Here’s the pic:

We then traveled to the Walmart in Bowie and we didn’t see the book there. They didn’t carry Barbour’s 3-in-1s there. 🙁

But, one of my blog/Facebook friends did email me a couple of pics of my book on the shelf in Toronto, ON, Canada at Faith And Family Books! How exciting!

If I were to own my own bookstore, it would be comfy and cozy! There would be shelves and shelves of great books for people to read!

There would also be lots of comfy chairs for people to sit in while reading a book. I’d also have coffee, and plenty of places for writers to plug in their laptops while they type, creating stories while sipping their brew!

I’d also have cookies, cupcakes and muffins to munch on while sipping your coffee! 🙂

I don’t know what I’d call my bookstore, though. I’m just dreaming! I wouldn’t think about opening a bookstore when I sense that they’ll be out of business within the next ten years because of people buying most of their books from the internet. But I can dream, can’t I? Can you think of a great, comfy, cozy, insightful name that I could call my make-believe bookstore?
~Cecelia Dowdy~

3 thoughts on “My Dream Bookstore

  1. Nedra

    Wow, Cecelia, you’re definitely an author on a mission.

    On time: My thinking is somewhat like the customer that you met in the store…how do you manage the whole “time” thing?

    When I was working full-time and going to school part-time, I was able to write because I had deadlines in the form of assignments due for creative writing and other classes.

    Now that I’m homemaking and helping at church, my time feels like it’s barely mine. I miss structure. The only writing I get done is journaling offline. (I’ve filled a few journals since I temporarily fell out of love with blogging. I’m hoping the journaling is not in vain, and that I’ll be able to write stories again.)

    So, how do you find pockets of time to write and promote when you’re also working and being a present member of your family?

    On the bookstore : That sounds like a lovely adventure. With your background and connections, if you want it and if God wants that for you, it will be so.

    I wanted to add to the name game…but nothing came. All I’m getting is the word “spoonful.” I guess I’m remembering how you’ve posted recipes in the past. So the words, “chewy” and “filling” also come to mine.

    I’m wondering if the answer (to what to name the bookstore) might be found in one of the ingredients in your recipes.

    Whatever you do, God bless…


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