Rejected! :-(

I’ve been going fishing with this project off an on for about a couple of years now. Although the project was not completed initially, I searched for an agent, anyway. I completed it last November and I continued my agent search. I’ve also been able to submit to a few publishing houses (The publishers took agented submissions only, I was able to submit because I’d met the editors at a writers conference). Anyway, I received the rejection from one of the publishers today! Bummer! They said (I’m paraphrasing):
We haven’t had success in presenting stories that have a main character who is blind, so I don’t think we’ll be pursuing this.

But, there’s still hope! I do have it elsewhere, so I just need to wait and hear what they say about the project!

On a lighter note, I did manage to go to the Walmart in Laurel, Maryland and I saw my book on the shelf!

There were two copies! I “sold” both of them. One lady started browsing in the book section shortly before I took my pics. I told her about my book and she said she would purchase it for her sister! She also said she was an aspiring author and she wanted advice about how to seek publication. We talked books, authors, writers organizations, etc. for close to a half hour!
Another woman came into the book section and I boldly told her about my book, presenting it to her from the shelf. She said, “Did you really write this book?”
I said, “Yes!” I flipped to my bio page. “See, that’s my picture right there.”
She said, “That is you!” She asked me to sign the book and she said she would send it to her preacher sister in South Africa.

Am I kooky or what? I think the exhileration of having a book in stores and in Walmart is going to my head! If I have time and energy, I’ll continue to visit stores when possible and take pictures of my book on the shelf! Also, if you have time, and if you’re in Walmart, Barnes And Noble, Family Christian, Borders, or any other bookstore and happen to see my book shelved, I’d appreciate your taking a picture with your camera and e-mailing it to me so that I can share with other blog readers!

One of my Facebook friends took this pic at the Woodland Texas Walmart:

As I promised in an earlier post, I’ll be back to blogging about regular stuff soon. I recently finished Mom’s The Word by Marilynn Griffith, and I’m almost finished with Plain Perfect by Beth Wiseman. I also have The Manual by Sherryle Kiser Jackson in my TBR pile, and I just received This Fine Life by Eva Marie Everson in the mail today (this book has a very appealing cover!).

~Cecelia Dowdy~

5 thoughts on “Rejected! :-(

  1. Ausjenny

    Im sorry for the rejection. maybe they haven’t had success because they haven’t published them. I would read it! I think in this day and age its good to have books with the main characters with a disability as its real life and inspiring reading these stories.
    Way to go selling the books did you autograph them for them?
    When I go to the city I will look our for your book and if its there photograph it.

  2. Christian Art and Design

    I submitted a query for a historical romance with is VERy controversial but I know people need/want to hear it. so i’m not about to listen yet, because i know it needs to be told, even if I gotta self-publish, which i’d rather not, but i will if I gotta do it.
    God blessings,
    take care.

  3. Vanessa

    Well I can relate to the rejection piece. I think it’s great that you are pursuing your dreams anyway.

    I’m in the process of doing the same thing. Watching you is inspiring me.

    Keep up the good work. I’ll spread the word about your book.


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