Rejection! :-( And A Nice Letter

My editor at Barbour received the following email today about my novel collection, Chesapeake Weddings:

I am currently reading Cecelia Dowdy’s Chesapeake Weddings. This book is an inspiration and allows us to put ourselves into these situations while also keeping God as the main focus of the novels.

I also received a rejection today! Blah! I haven’t been under contract in almost two years and it’s starting to bother me, but, I’m not one to give up! Here’s what the rejection said:
Dear Cecelia,
Thank you so much for your patience as we read your project, Gabriel’s Pride. While the story has some interesting elements, I’m afraid this story doesn’t quite work for our line. Unfortunately, the romantic conflict between the hero and heroine is not as compelling as it needed to be.

We’re sorry to disappoint you on this project. We would be happy to look at any other projects you may be working on suited for our line. Thank you for thinking of us.
signed by the editor.

So, there, you have it! Another rejection! Whew! I’m tired of these!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

13 thoughts on “Rejection! :-( And A Nice Letter

  1. PatriciaW

    Don’t give up, Cecelia. Do you think, based on the feedback, that you’ll rework this project to strengthen the conflict, or will you continue to query it as is?

  2. A. Labno

    Hi Cecelia,

    I am so sorry about the rejection.
    I have went to your blog to read the letter.
    You will find someone interested. Check other publishers.
    Also, I would contact the editor and ask what suggestions they might have to maybe change a few things and resubmit.

  3. Cecelia Dowdy

    Hi, Anna. Thanks for your kind words, but, I probably won’t resubmit since the editor didn’t ask me to do that. From my experience, if an editor wants to see the book again, he/she’ll let you know in the rejection/revision letter.

  4. Chris H.

    Cecelia,I’m sorry to hear about your book rejection. I think you have the right outlook in dealing with it. Have you submitted your book to Heartsong Publishers?

  5. Rhonda McKnight

    Sorry about the rejection. It was a nice letter. :o)

    I’ve been rejected by 3 editors that all said the writing was great. One said, “magnificent”, but uh, she’s not selling enough books yet. We can talk when she’s a star.

    Publishing. (smh)

  6. Rick

    I admire anyone that has the tenacity to write a book and even attempt to get it published. Most just dream of what you are dong. Keep it up.


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