Monthly Archives: March 2011

April 2011 Book Giveaway!




I’m hosting another book giveaway! ONE winner will receive the titles listed above. IF YOU WANT TO ENTER THE DRAWING YOU MUST DO TWO THINGS:

#1. You must join my mailing list! You can join my mailing list here:

If you’re already on my email list, then you can skip step one.

#2. You must comment on this blog post to enter and LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN YOUR BLOG POST – IF YOU DON’T LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN YOUR BLOG POST, THEN YOU WON’T BE ENTERED INTO THE CONTEST! I need an email address so that I can contact you if you win!

I’ll be drawing the winner within the next few weeks or so! 🙂 Remember, I have the right to announce your first and last name, city and state on my blog if you win!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

A Reader Compared Me To Debbie Macomber! :-)

I received the following email recently from a reader:

Hi Cecelia ~
I must tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed Cheasapeake Weddings–John’s Quest, Milk Money and Bittersweet Memories. I don’t know which is my favorite. I’ve enjoyed them all! I love the way you write–so clean, sweet and memorable. Reminds me of Debbie Maccomber.

~Beverly Taylor~

Thanks for the awesome email, Beverly! I enjoyed hearing about how much you enjoyed my stories and I loved that you compared me to Debbie! She’s a great author, and I’ve never had anybody to compare me to her before!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Inspirational Rita Award Nominees!

Congrats to the following Rita Award Finalists in the RWA’s Inspirational category:

â– A Convenient Wife by Anna Schmidt (Steeple Hill Love Inspired Historical; Tina James, editor)

â– Doctor in Petticoats by Mary Connealy (Barbour Publishing; Rebecca Germany, editor)

â– Finding Her Way Home by Linda Goodnight (Steeple Hill Love Inspired; Allison Lyons, editor)

â– In Harm’s Way by Irene Hannon (Revell; Jennifer Leep, editor)

â– Maid to Match by Deeanne Gist (Bethany House Publishers; David Long and Julie Klassen, editors)

â– Shades of Morning by Marlo M. Schalesky (WaterBrook Multnomah; Shannon Marchese, editor)

â– The Wedding Garden by Linda Goodnight (Steeple Hill Love Inspired; Allison Lyons, editor)

â– Whisper on the Wind by Maureen Lang (Tyndale House Publishers; Stephanie Broene, editor)

â– Within My Heart by Tamera Alexander (Bethany House Publishers; Karen Schurrer and Charlene Patterson, editors)

Congrats also to the following Inspirational author who finaled in the Rita Novella Category:

â– ”Mountain Rose” by Cheryl St. John in To Be a Mother (Steeple Hill Love Inspired Historical; Patience Smith, editor)

Congrats to the following Inspirational authors for finaling in the Best First Book category:

â– Firestorm by Kelly Ann Riley (Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense; Tina James, editor)

â– A Tailor-Made Bride by Karen Witemeyer (Bethany House Publishers; Karen Schurrer, editor)

For a list of ALL CATEGORIES, ALL FINALISTS, see RWA’s website.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

David And Saul

Do any of you have any insight about the relationship between Saul and David in First Samuel chapters 16 and 17?
Why would Saul be friendly with David in Chapter 16, but then not recognize him in Chapter 17? If any of you have any insight, I’d like for you to comment.
1 Samuel 16:21-23 21 So David came to Saul and stood before him. And he loved him greatly, and he became his armorbearer. 22 Then Saul sent to Jesse, saying, “Please let David stand before me, for he has found favor in my sight.” 23 And so it was, whenever the spirit from God was upon Saul, that David would take a harp and play it with his hand. Then Saul would become refreshed and well, and the distressing spirit would depart from him.

I blogged about David and Goliath here. I recently received the following comment/question from Rita regarding that blog post (I’ve paraphrased and expanded Rita’s question):
I am in the middle of the Beth Moore bible study and have a question about the David and Goliath story. Before David killed Goliath (1 Samuel Chapter 16)he was in the service of Saul as his harp player. However, after David kills Goliath in the next chapter (1 Samuel Chapter 17) Saul asks who David is and Saul doesn’t recognize him. Any thoughts? This has troubled me while studying the life of David. Your Sister in Christ – Rita

Rita, I’ve left my response below. Not sure if this is helpful or not.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Hi, Rita. I’m glad that you stopped by Cecelia’s Christian Fiction Blog and commented. I tried to email you privately, but, your profile is marked private so I can’t see your email information. The only insight I can give regarding your question is, perhaps, although David was Saul’s harp player, perhaps some time had passed between the chapters and he no longer recognized David because he’d gotten older? Or, perhaps, he didn’t recognize David when he’d killed Goliath because he looked different – he may have looked brave and strong holding that decapitated head? I’m unfamiliar with Biblical history so, I’m not sure how often harp players interact with their superiors. I know David played the harp whenever the distressing spirits came upon Saul, to help him to feel better, and that Saul loved David, initially. So, it is puzzling as to why Saul didn’t recognize David after he killed Goliath. Your question is a valid one, I’m just afraid that I can’t provide much insight, but wish that I could. I’ll post your question on a blog entry to see if any of my blog readers know the answer.

For more insight into the relationship between Saul and David, as well as other little-known Bible facts, I encourage you to read Molly Noble Bull’s recent article on Writers’ Rest Blog. Stop by and leave a comment.

The Artist’s Granddaughter By Robin Bayne

The Artist’s Granddaughter by Robin Bayne

This book was a charming, light-hearted read about unrequited high school love. Megan has to obtain her grandfather’s last painting in order to keep it in the family, plus, it was her father’s dying wish for her to do so. However, her high-school boyfriend, Michael, stunningly appears at the auction, outbidding her. Megan has never gotten over Michael whom she dated when she was fifteen. He left, abandoned her, and has made no contact with her since he went away to college and law school, pursuing a law career afterwards. Megan doesn’t know if she believes Michael’s reasons for abandoning her and never attempting to make contact with her over the years – she’s never left the town, so she would have been easy to find.

Meanwhile, Megan’s made a name for herself in the community as a gemologist. She designs jewelry for her clients and enjoys her job immensely.

Their love is re-kindled, in spite of their disagreement about what should be done with her grandfather’s last painting. Michael has some hard lessons to learn about his career, and knows he’s made a mistake in abandoning his beloved Megan all those years ago. Michael’s reappearance causes a bit of disharmony within the small town of Carrolton, especially since he was a bad boy in high school, and his name is linked to a well-known theft. Was he the person who stole Megan’s grandfather’s murals several years ago?

This book was a quick, enjoyable read set in a small town. The characters faced obstacles in which most people could relate, and the writing will draw you in, making you appreciate the feelings that these two lovebirds share for one another. You should give this book a try and it’s available on Amazon’s Kindle.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

When Megan bids on her grandfather’s painting, the last thing she expects is to be outbid by Michael Kirk, her first love. He left town years ago leaving her reputation–and her heart–in tatters.

She must keep her grandfather’s final legacy in her family, but Michael claims to need it for his career. He also claims to want Megan back in his life, and her betraying heart doesn’t mind the idea…but does Michael want her or the painting?

Moments With Angels By Robert Strand

I found this book lying around my messy house. I’m off from work next week and I have a little more time to read. I believe somebody gave this to me as a gift awhile ago. I enjoy reading “true” stories about angels. These short vignettes were very entertaining, however, as I read them, I wondered if all of the stories were really “true” or if they were merely urban legends? Now, don’t start throwing stones at me because I’m just saying how I feel! I do believe in angels, I know that we’re not supposed to worship them, we’re only supposed to worship the Lord Jesus. But, I did wonder about the stories. I noticed that some of the stories did have references with a first and last name. One story even referenced a Christian radio station. I emailed this Christian radio station to see if this story was really true, or, if it was just a legend. I didn’t see the story listed on the radio station’s website, and I’m not sure if they’ll respond.

I recommend this book if you want a good, quick, entertaining, thought-provoking read about the power of God’s messengers. I briefly blogged about angels here, back in 2008.

Have you ever had an encounter with an angel? If so, what happened? What made you believe that this being was an angel?

~Cecelia Dowdy~
Moments with Angels: Spectacular Encounters with Heavenly Messengers
Suddenly there are angels everywhere or so we think. But haven’t they been with mankind a long time? These creatures who transcend time bring groceries to a snowbound family and leave no footprints. In Moments with Angels, read about these messengers of God intervening for a; family’s safety, and an apocalyptic warning from a mysterious hitchhiker. Thirty such stories paint an awesome picture of these celestial beings.

Angels fascinate us and stimulate conversadons. They watch us continually and do the bidding of their Creator in heaven. And we are the benefactors.

Written in Robert Strand’s unique storytelling style, Moments with Angels contains 30 inspiring true stories along with relevant Scripture verse. Complete with photos, the two-color interiors compliment the elegant covers to make each a great gift idea for any memorable moment.

About the Author

Rev. Robert Strand has spent 30 years collecting the inspirational stories contained in the “Moments to Give” series. Rev. Strand is currently senior pastor of Parkcrest Assembly in Springfield, Missouri. He and his wife, Donna, have four children, and are grandparents to six little ones. He is a graduate of North Central Bible College with a degree in theology.

Product Details

* Hardcover: 80 pages
* Publisher: New Leaf Press (April 1996)
* Language: English
* Product Dimensions: 5.8 x 5.8 x 0.4 inches

If you like religious, wholesome fiction, then join my email list and receive 2 FREE Christian fiction e-books! 


As you know, I blogged about oatcakes recently. I haven’t tried the recipe yet, but, I did purchase some Effie’s Oatcakes. They just came in the mail yesterday and they are GOOD! 🙂

However, although I am enjoying Effie’s Oatcakes, I think they are a bit different than the oatcakes described in the novel Angel Harp. As far as I can tell, people eat the oatcakes with jam or jelly, butter, or with meat or cheeses. The Effie’s Oatcakes tasted more like a lightly sweetened thin oatmeal cookie without the cinnamon and other spices. They are thin and crispy, like a cracker, and they have a rich, buttery taste. When I do try a recipe, I’m going to use one that has butter instead of shortening or lard. I love the taste of butter in a cookie! 🙂

As I said, they are good, but I can’t imagine eating them for breakfast or at tea time with cheeses and meats. My husband and I are eating Effie’s as a dessert or snack.

I will try to make some soon. I’m off from work next week, so, I might take part of one of my days and bake some oatcakes – or, if I’m feeling adventurous, I might make some this weekend!

~Cecelia Dowdy~