Sunday Brunch – Why Didn’t Jesus Rescue John The Baptist?

Why Didn’t Jesus Rescue John the Baptist Podcast

This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. Enjoy some of our wholesome Christian titles found at One of our titles is RASPBERRY KISSES BY CECELIA DOWDY. Grieving widow Rhea embarks on a journey that will change her life forever. Pastor Martin seems too good to be true. Martin has a secret. What will Rhea do when she discovers the truth? Will she find the courage to make the right decision? Read The Bakery Romance Series on Kindle. Visit, or, click on the link entitled RASPBERRY KISSES at the end of this blog post. Share this blog post with your friends, family and church buddies!

Why didn’t Jesus Rescue John The Baptist from prison?

King Herod had heard about Jesus. He thought that John the Baptist was Jesus risen from the dead! Herod had John arrested and imprisoned. Herod had a brother named Philip. John was imprisoned because he reprimanded Herod for wrongfully marrying Philip’s wife. Herod was afraid to kill John because a lot of people thought he was a prophet.

When John the Baptist was in prison, I believe he wanted Jesus’s help. When Jesus failed to help John escape, John sent his disciples to ask Jesus if he was really the One, the true Messiah.

Then John The Baptist was beheaded.

His head was presented on a platter as a birthday gift to King Herrod’s wife’s daughter, who then presented the platter to her mother (the king’s wife-Herodias). Upon hearing this news, Jesus went away on a boat for some time alone. Apparently, Jesus was saddened by the death of John, and I’ve always wondered why Jesus didn’t release John from prison.

There are some Biblical questions that will probably remain unanswered until we get to heaven, but, I think Jesus felt He had more pressing things to do than rescuing John. Perhaps during those crucial moments when John was in prison, Jesus was called elsewhere to heal and save souls. There could be a number of reasons why things played out the way that they did, but, I’ve always wondered about this.

So, why do you think that Jesus refused to rescue John The Baptist from prison? Leave your responses in the comments. I’ve copied and pasted the scripture references below.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Matthew 11:1-6
1After Jesus had finished instructing his twelve disciples, he went on from there to teach and preach in the towns of Galilee. 2When John heard in prison what Christ was doing, he sent his disciples 3to ask him, “Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?” 4Jesus replied, “Go back and report to John what you hear and see: 5The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor. 6Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me.”
Matthew 14:3-13
3Now Herod had arrested John and bound him and put him in prison because of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife, 4for John had been saying to him: “It is not lawful for you to have her.” 5Herod wanted to kill John, but he was afraid of the people, because they considered him a prophet.
6On Herod’s birthday the daughter of Herodias danced for them and pleased Herod so much 7that he promised with an oath to give her whatever she asked. 8Prompted by her mother, she said, “Give me here on a platter the head of John the Baptist.” 9The king was distressed, but because of his oaths and his dinner guests, he ordered that her request be granted 10and had John beheaded in the prison. 11His head was brought in on a platter and given to the girl, who carried it to her mother. 12John’s disciples came and took his body and buried it. Then they went and told Jesus. 13When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place.

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~Cecelia Dowdy~

This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. Enjoy some of our wholesome Christian titles found at One of our titles is RASPBERRY KISSES BY CECELIA DOWDY. Grieving widow Rhea embarks on a journey that will change her life forever. Pastor Martin seems too good to be true. Martin has a secret. What will Rhea do when she discovers the truth? Will she find the courage to make the right decision? Read The Bakery Romance Series on Kindle. Visit, or, click on the link entitled RASPBERRY KISSES at the end of this blog post. Share this blog post with your friends, family and church buddies!


148 thoughts on “Sunday Brunch – Why Didn’t Jesus Rescue John The Baptist?

  1. Bernard

    You are taking liberties with the passage. No where does it say that John wanted Jesus to rescue him. His questions may have revealed some of John’s doubts brought on by depression. After all in St John 1:34 John testified that Jesus was the One.

    1. Rusty

      I’m no bible expert but, on the cross, did not Jesus ask if God had forsaken him? Maybe we are being taught that sometimes, in this world, we have to suffer our “fate” which is, of course, our cumulative life choices from free will. Geeze, I sure hope there is a heaven. (I struggle with this aspect of faith.)

      1. cecelia dowdy

        Hi, Rusty

        There is a heaven, I can guarantee you that. Do you believe people die and have no souls? What a sad thought if this life, as we know it, is all that there is. I do believe that people have different concepts of heaven, though. Have you ever read the book Heaven by Randy Alcorn? I’ve never read the entire book, but, I’ve heard others say that Randy’s book shows a concept of heaven that is different than most.

      2. Anonymous

        Yes ,Jesus says that on the cross. Billy Graham has a good lesson on loneliness that describes why Jesus says this

      3. George Tidwell

        It’s important to understand that the Bible wasn’t divided into chapters until 1382 by Wycliffe and it wasn’t divided into verses until 1555. Prior to that the Bible was simply a collection of the books; i.e Genesis, Exodus, etc. Even the book of Psalms had no numbering. So for example, if someone wanted to reference what we call Psalm 23, they would simply recite the first line which is “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want”.

        The Lord on the cross wanted all to know that he was the Christ prophesied in the Old Testament. Now that you understand that he had no chapters or verses to send the Pharisees and sadduccees to reference the proof, he sent them to what we now call Psalm 22 which begins “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”

        I implore you to read and research the Psalm that Jesus referenced (Psalm 22). It details the specifics of his crucifixion with extraordinary accuracy, even predicting that the guards would cast lots for his clothes.

    2. the fairy

      I think that the beheading of John the Baptist was so sudden and unexpected that neither Jesus nor John himself considered it urgent at that time. It seemed John was reasonably safe in prison, since Herod did want to listen to him. Therefore a rescue was probably not necessary. If at all, John’s conversations with Herod may have led to better things if Salome did not turn to her mother Herodias.

    3. Donna

      Well, I don’t believe anyone inchworm right mind prefers to be beheaded and “not” rescued especially from Jesus whom John preached about for so long.

  2. Cecelia Dowdy

    Thanks for commenting, Bernard.
    Just seemed like John wanted Jesus to rescue him. I know he said that Jesus was the One, he said that a few times, I believe (or something similiar). However, I figured his doubt may have been prompted by the fact that he was in prison, and there was no help forthcoming from Jesus to get him out of bondage. I never thought about depression being the reason why he questioned if Jesus was the ONE.

  3. JA M.

    I’m wondering about this right now, why Jesus didn’t rescue John. Instead of rescuing John, Jesus began his ministry and called his first disciples. It seemed like, now that John is gone, Jesus’s “time had come”.

    Mark 1:14 After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. 15 “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”

    I’m no theologian or historian. My thoughts are just based on these verses.

      1. Nancy Fowler

        Just wondering if John had to die. Was that God’s plan in order for Jesus’ time to come. So the people would look to Jesus instead of John. What a burden of a broken heart, when Jesus learned of John’s death!

  4. Samuel

    Jesus came to release us from bondage. I think he meant spiritual bondage. John was freed from spiritual bondage already, so the physical according to Jesus did not matter. There were many he had to attend to other than John. Its sad though.

  5. Michael

    It is possible this incident was a warning to Christians, intending to inform us that God would not always save us from physical calamities.

    If we know this going in, we are less likely to turn from Jesus when we or a loved one is killed in an accident or contracts cancer. If God, or Jesus didn’t rescue John from prison what right have I to expect Him to save me from my afflictions?

    John worked long and diligently under harsh living conditions to spread the message. Compared to Him I have done very little.

    I see it as a lesson, almost as a prophetic story.

  6. jeffrey costa

    the bible as we know deals in types and shadows. i think that john was a type of christ and when his mission was complete he had to die like JC. plus remember our views on life and death are unhealthy as we know john was going to the father.

    1. Cindy Nyeche

      That’s a good answer,John was waiting on Jesus. . ,he was human but loving God fearing his life ,we all want to be saved when in danger,Jesus saved his friend when he died, why not his cousin John

    2. marvellous

      It was suppose to be fulfilled in thatway.the h
      Heaven new where he will end . remember john was elijah. The word’s of Jezzebel when his profets were killed after they fail to bring fire from heaven. The reaction and words of Jezzebel ,” I will cut off your head as u did to my profets and that demon manifested in Hero’s wife to fill what was said when he was Elijah .

    3. Anonymous

      I proved Jesus was false. He could have saved John even by Just praying where he was. Peter and Silas were miraculously saved from prison. John was deceived by Jesus. He was Savior so he should have saved John to prove his authority as God on earth.

  7. Yohan

    To understand the answer for your Question , you need to first understand why GOD did not saved his only begotton son JESUS ?
    Same answer is for your Question , why Jesus did not saved St. John ?
    That is they both have some intention to come on the earth, instead they were sent to us with some purpose. And as they completed their task, they were called back. The way they were died was a lesson for us to remind our sins. If we are their follower we should always keep in mind the blood they shed for us.

    Hope this satisfy your thirst of curiousity.

    1. Gladys Ibiyemi

      John the Baptist never asked Jesus for help, he never even prayed to God to be delivered from prison, the bible says ask it shall be granted unto you.Jesus never healed anyone who did not asked him, he often even ask them if they want to he healed.

  8. Solomon

    John The Baptist task in the earth was to prepare the way for the Lord Jesus.He should not have commented/interfered in Herods life.Instead of doing what is required he was diverted.I think that is the reason He was not rescued.

  9. Cecelia Dowdy

    Hi, Solomon

    Herod was probably offended by John’s words, but, John was doing what he thought was best. Not sure if that’s why he was not rescued, but, gives us something to think about.

    1. Cindy Nyeche

      As we know ,God way is .not like yourself or mine ,I always ask why ,but I’ll never find the human answer , why, we do not supposed to know ,we are only to follow his commandments to my understanding could there be more?

    1. Cecelia Dowdy

      Hi, Cindy!

      Thanks for visiting my blog and for leaving that insightful comment. I think it may have been John’s time to die and to be present with the Lord. That’s a good answer.

  10. Dan

    Jesus gives the reason in verse 6 ” blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me. John’s witness in his willingness to die,spoke volumes about the one whom he proclaimed.God gives a blessing of some sort,to martyrs and those who dont renounce Jesus,in the face of persecution.

  11. Precious Damsel

    Bible did’nt tell us that john himself did ask jesus to rescue him,even if that has been written of him he whould have open his mouth and beg jesus to do something about the matter bcs bible said”ask it shall be given unto you”


    john 16:33 says “…… the world you will have tribulations, ……”.I think this is the reason jesus had to ignore this.He had to be faithful to what he was to preach next in the near-by future

  13. Sedgeley Penniken

    I was also curious about this, and did some reading up. I found a really inspiring passage in a book called ‘Conflict and Courage'(pg. 278.3) by Ellen G. White.It reads as follows: “Jesus did not interpose to deliver His servant. He knew that John would bear the test. Gladly would the Saviour have come to John, to brighten the dungeon gloom with His own presence.But He was not to place Himself in the hands of enemies and imperil His own mission. Gladly would He have delivered His faithful servant. But for the sake of thousands who in after years must pass from prison to death, John was to drink the cup of martyrdom. As the followers of Jesus should languish in lonely cells, or perish by the sword, the rack or the fagot,…what a stay to their hearts would be the thought that John the Baptist, to whose faithfulness Christ Himself had borne witness, had passed through with a similar experience! Satan was permitted to cut short the earthly life of God’s messenger; but that life which ‘is hid with Christ in God,’ the destroyer could not reach. Colossians 3:3.” Hope this helps. More of this can be read online at:
    God bless you all.

  14. Pastor Dennis

    My understanding is that John the Baptist came in the spirit of Elijah. That was his mission. He was the prophesied forerunner of the Messiah. He was roughly Jesus’ age. Jesus came to teach us, reveal God to us and then die when it was done. From the cross Jesus said, “It is finished.” The word in the Greek is tetelestai. That’s the word that was stamped on a debt that was paid in full.

    And John’s work was done. He intoduced Jesus as the Messiah, he prepared the way. John was far better off when he died. The manner of death was swift and painless. John was instantly ushered into the presence of the Lord.

    Jesus could heal anything and even raise the dead, but he left John to his fate to bring him into heaven with no further suffering. John had done his work well, was approved by Jesus and was given the blessing to go to heaven.

    1. Christ like

      John had to die, in order to be delivered something have to die. Flesh have to die so Christ can Live.

    2. rare

      I am bothered by this interpretation in the sense that perhaps his enemies won. The king’s wife gloated and was satisfied. How do I reconcile accepting such fate if it rewardedthe enemy?

  15. Gwen Washington

    I believe that Johns work for God was complete, and that John himself had not just been the voice in the wilderness, but he had also been voicing his opinion of Herod and his lifestyle which also placed him in a dangerous political battle, which even though it may have been true, it may not have been God’s will…So, even though John may have thought he had more to do, God obviously didn’t agree.

  16. Anonymous

    I definitely agree to all said. But we should remember the bible clearly saids ” we should not be afraid of the one who kills the body and not soul but rather be conscious about the one who kills both.

  17. rev.bright

    I definitely agree to all said. But we should remember the bible clearly saids ” we should not be afraid of the one who kills the body and not soul but rather be conscious about the one who kills both.

  18. Tony Johnston

    Clowns…No matter how you spin this incident, God (Jesus) was walking this planet less than six miles from ‘…the greatest man ever born of woman’ for 2 YEARS and he did nothing but withdraw when he heard of his arrest.

    Why? Because Jesus was just a man and he had no special powers. He could not rescue John no more than he could have kept himself from being arrested if he tried.

    Spin it all day long how it was John’s fate, his mission, his purpose, blah, blah, balh…

    While you are at it, justify God making a bet with Satan using a human (Job) as the pawn in the private wager.

    Time to move past these fairy tales and get a broader perspective of reality.

      1. Lionel

        I believe God allowed John to be taken off the scene to allow people to know for certain that John was just the messenger and not the message. John prophetically spoke his death and said he must decrease in order for the messiah to increase

  19. Ms J Mcintosh

    John had already had a close connection with the father,that was y he was spreading the word to people who he was baptizing.He feared not for his life but his afterlife and he believed his work was done and the real messiah would b on the way. Blessed be.

  20. kenneth

    was john not the one who baptized JESUS?Did he not hear the voice from heaven when the spirit of God come in form of dove?my thinking is that every one is called to do samething on earth,John was called to prepare the way for the Lord and his work had finnished.

  21. mangole

    we all guessing and missing the original question. Why didn’t he help him? the man spent nearly a year in prison hoping JEsus would equally show opposition to the illegal marriage. it would appear Christians when faced with tough questions with regard to missing links in our religion we rush to ” it had to happen” scapegoat.

  22. Mike

    My question would be…why did Jesus have to be told about the death of John. Jesus would have known John’s fate and moment of death from the beginning because Jesus is Lord.

  23. Twesigye Ambrose

    The biggest Challenge that Christianity faces today is Lukewarmness! That why many people come to Christ not for eternal life but for earthly inheritance. Many end up living a fascinated life by focusing on earthy visible things. Yet the plan of God for us, the reward for us that trust in Jesus is eternal with him. If John the Baptist needed the physical help from Jesus or doubted Jesus, he would have denied him during the hour of trial. A mature Christian should not be confused again.Do not deny Jesus because he has not healed your cancer because the worldly are all vanity. Some Apostles like Peter even wished they could die earlier for eternal enjoyment in the promise with the bridegroom Jesus Christ!

  24. Twesigye Ambrose

    And Brother Mike, thank you for your question. Do you have children? Why do Children have to tell their Father that they need School Fees? Don’t parents always know this? And who tells Jesus had no knowledge of all that would happen? Just resist that unbelief in you that wants to block your eyes from the truth. Jesus is LORD and is and was all knowing.

  25. carolyne1449

    This truly demonstrates that there are still people who care about what they post on the web. I really liked browsing the comments.

  26. Richard

    It appeared John and Jesus’ ministries were now running concurrently so John had to die and pave way for Jesus to avoid confusing the audience. You’ll recall how the Pharisees questioned Jesus why his disciples were not conducting frequent fasts like John’s disciples.

  27. Pastor Bill

    I see Jesus’ message encouraging John not to be offended as similar to Paul’s message about being faithful unto death and then receiving the crown of life.
    I minister to a number of elderly people, many of whom will have to go through a difficult time before God calls them home. It is a challenge not to be depressed or discouraged when you can no longer contribute to life as you used to. Growing old and losing physical and mental abilities is no picnic. I have a chance to bless their final days so that they are not offended by the path they have to endure. Jesus words can be used to keep us strong to the end.





  30. Minister Sanders

    I always wondered why Jesus didnt save John the Baptist now I understand why: John the Baptist had an assignment in preaching repentance , proclaiming the Kingdom and in also Baptizing Jesus. He was prophesied to prepare the way for the Messiah and he died doing what Christians are going to have to do real soon in this satanic ruled world and thats taking a stand for God……..

  31. curt9947

    This post is just what I call a well thought out posting. Clear and to the point. I am going to certainly watch out for more posts like this.

  32. jina4267

    Judging by the amount of opinions, this is definately an extremely engaging subject. Everytime I come back to this post there’s an interesting visitor post better than many of the earlier ones.

  33. Batsy Samboko

    think about the lost coin , the lost sheep, & the lost son ,. How she had to sweep the house, 100 sheep how he left the 99, not to mention the ring , fastened calf, warm welcome: . It may seem foolish for the shepherd to leave 99, sheep to go for 1. Jesus new that John will be safe even if he must die for the truth than the lost who would be in danger.

  34. Tim

    I also wonder why does he heal this person and not the next? Jesus answer to John was look what I am doing. There are some healed etc.
    We will experience his kingdom in part here and there. But when his kindgom comes in its fullness all captive will be released, spiritual and physical bondage. But until then we just have to understand that in this world we will have troubles. John had his troubles of prison and beheaded but he is now in heaven and he has no doubts.

      1. John

        Jjesus withdrew from Galilee to avoid a conflict with Herrod. His death would be according to God’s will not Herrod’s.

  35. Derrick McDaniel

    Johns purpose had been served. John introduced the messiah to the people and baptized Jesus as it is written to fulfill Gods plan. For Jesus to rescue John would’ve been a different outcome in the mission of Christ. I believe that it was time for Jesus’ ministry to start and to avoid any confusion amongst the people of who was the Lamb of God, it was time for Johns to end.

    John had the power to cast out demons as he was blessed with the Holy Spirit while he was in his mothers womb. I belief the people back then would’ve been confused if John was set fee by Jesus and then you had two out there casting out demons, making the blind to see, healing people of diseases. Which so much confusion that may have come from the people because some may have thought john was the messiah and not Jesus Christ the true and only messiah.

    1. cecelia dowdy

      Hi, Derrick

      Thanks for commenting. Would people have been confused back then if you have two casting out demons? Hmm? Not sure. I know there were some who confused John the Baptist, wondering if he was Jesus.

      There were others who cast out demons. Jesus gave some that power. I believe there were 70, or 72? I can’t recall the scripture, but, Jesus gave the power to some select others to cast out demons in His name.

      But, there were demons that were not able to be cast out my Jesus’s followers. There is a scripture where Jesus’s follower could not cast out the demon, and Jesus had to do it for some reason.

      So glad you stopped by. Please read the other Biblical blog entries if you wish!

      1. Babatunde

        True, but at some point the pharisees were raising issues that John ‘disciples were fasting and Jesus’ s weren’t, before Jesus gave them a spine breaking answer. To buttress, the pharisees kept looking for ways to discredit the Lord with respect to John. John4:1. Saving John or not was Jesus’ prerogative. Another question :Did john perform any miracle other than baptism?

  36. Splendor Obong

    For me, i thing the reason is that, jesus knew that john was done with his work. he was sent to preach about the coming of christ. he was the one who baptise jesus, he even jump from his mother wormb what mary was conceive and went to greet Elizabeth her friend. the reason why he sent his disciple to ask jesus if he is the messiah sent, is that, he was afraid of he way he wanted to depart from the world, though he was human, in one way, one way, he was spirit. even jesus was scread about death, that’s why he went to the mountain to pray that night asking his father just one thing, he knew that was death, and he want he father to take away the death from him, but it should not be according to his wish, but the father.
    I can say that john was done with job. so jesus told him that the dump can talk, deaf can hear, that there’s no one ever done that before that he should knwo he is the one sent. that was how God design for him to die, as of jesus and the rest.

  37. Anonymous

    Now, I know you are asking why didn’t Jesus save John the Baptist? After all He was the Messiah and can save all, so why not John? John the Baptist was the last prophet who had one foot in the Old Testament. So, if John the Baptist lived on, then we could not receive the Holy Spirit to live in us because he was the last person to have the Holy Spirit come upon him and leave. So, Jesus did not save John the Baptist because He was holding us as a nation back. So what satan and Herod meant with that sword to John the Baptist head for evil, they released a nation like never before, A Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation! Hallelujah!

  38. Isaac Manuel R

    Having heard the death of John, bible clearly tells us that Jesus felt sad as he withdrew himself to a solitary place. Even before that Jesus know very well that John was imprisoned. Bible didn’t say anywhere that Jesus or His disciples or John’s disciples have protested against the rulers for John’s imprisonment or his death at a later stage. Jesus simply stuck to His mission. Jesus didn’t fought against those who harmed John.. This is a perfect example of following what He preached..

    “…do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also… …love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven… “(Ref Mat 5:38-48)

  39. ben

    I believe the question on why Jesus did not rescue John should be approached from the viewpoint of remembering what Jesus said in Matthew 11 – blessed is he who is not offended in me.
    I believe it portrays a figure to show us if at any point we get into trouble and things keep turning from worse into worst, that our faith shall not be shaken and we shall not be OFFENDED.
    Remeber Dorcas, a good woman, but she feel sick, no body came to heal her, she even died, but God raised her again
    How else could we be encouraged, that even at the tough moments like John in the prison, we can still be sure, God has bigger plans for us

  40. Gladys Ibiyemi

    John the Baptist never asked Jesus for help while he was imprisoned,the bible says asked it shall be given,and that we should also pray about everything. Jesus never healed or helped anyone who never asked. before Jesus will heal anybody, he first asked, what do you want,or do you believe.John never prayed of asked to be delivered from the evil woman.

  41. Larrybank

    The ways of God will forever be a misery.The anyone wonders how it will have been,John the baptizer with is ministry & Jesus too on one side at same time?it wll have amont to amount to john running parallel ministry wt Jesus,.that is why He has(john) to go down! for the superior authority.people may have been confused who to follow John or Jesus.But God will not be an author of cinfussion,reason y John av to go down for the son of man ,the man of the hour.


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