Daily Archives: April 30, 2013

Love Finds You In Poetry Texas

Love Finds You in Poetry, Texas

Love Finds You In Poetry Texas

Have you ever dated someone from a newspaper (or online) ad? If so, what happened? Did you end up having a long-term relationship, or was your relationship short (or non-existent)?

Belinda sets herself up as a marriage broker in the small town of Poetry, Texas. Reading through newspaper ads, she pairs up eligible bachelors with potentially future wives. Only problem is, some of these matches are NOT successful. What’s Belinda to do? Should she abandon the idea of being a marriage broker and just let God lead husbands to their future wives?

Belinda pairs up Georg Kaufman, the town’s barber, with a potential bride. But, why does Belinda feel funny about setting Georg up with a mate? She wants Georg to be happy, but, why does seeing Georg with his potential mate bother her so much?

This book was a sweet, delightful read. Getting to know the characters residing in Poetry was very interesting. They’re an eclectic group of people. One man is a poet and he owns a bookstore, and he aids some of the bachelors by penning poetry for their love interests.

So, have you ever dated anybody after reading their newspaper (or online) ad? If so, what happened?

~Cecelia Dowdy~