Monthly Archives: May 2014

Within My Heart by Tamera Alexander

Within My Heart by Tamera Alexander

Have you ever lost a spouse? If so, did you ever get married again?

Widowed, Rachel Boyd is struggling to raise her two boys alone while trying to keep her failing ranch afloat. She finds herself attracted to Rand Brookston, the new doctor in town. However, she’s not over the death of her husband, plus, her father was a doctor, and she knows how hectic a doctor’s life can be. Is Rand really the right man for her?

Rand struggles with fears from the past, fears that haunt him every night. He’s afraid of the dark, sleeping with his lamp on, plagued with traumatic memories. He cares for the people in the small town, often deferring payment since he knows that it’s imperative to give others medical treatment. Rand’s love of medicine and caring for others is shown by how he cares for a critically ill friend. He’s also attracted to Rachel, but, wonders if he’ll ever overcome his fears, so that he can be free to fall in love.

I enjoyed this book. The characters were rich and deep and there were a lot of secondary characters that added depth to the novel. If you like historicals, then you’ll probably enjoy this book. I also enjoyed reading about the life of a doctor during historical times. The author did great research and I recognized some of the medicine used by Rand. I currently use a lot of herbal remedies for ailments and I noticed that during historical times, they used lots of herbal remedies since Western medicine, as we know it today, was not yet used (far as I know).

So, have you ever lost a spouse? If so, how long did you wait before you got married again?

Sunday Brunch – The Serpent

Photo courtesy of Romanticando

Do you believe that Satan is the serpent in the Garden of Eden? Do you know the meaning of the curse against the serpent in the Garden of Eden?

When I was involved with the Jehovah’s Witnesses, several decades ago, they gave an interpretation to Genesis 3:14-15. The interpretation was convoluted, didn’t make a whole lot of sense unless you put serious thought to it. Also, they referenced a series of other scriptures to interpret their meaning to the aforementioned scripture.

Were you ever taught anything in Bible school, Sunday school, church, etc. regarding the following scripture? If so, could you share what you were taught? I sense there are several interpretations out there, and I wonder what others believe regarding this scripture. This is what God said to the serpent after he’d tempted Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil:

Genesis 3:14-15

14 So the Lord God said to the serpent:

“Because you have done this,
You are cursed more than all cattle,
And more than every beast of the field;
On your belly you shall go,
And you shall eat dust
All the days of your life.
15 And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her Seed;
He shall bruise your head,
And you shall bruise His heel.”

I believe Satan took over the form of the serpent and spoke to Eve – this was ‘somewhat’ referenced in Revelations.  However, I can’t find a scripture that CLEARLY states that the serpent was Satan. Other than the scripture in Revelations, is there any other scripture that CLEARLY states that Satan was the serpent in the Garden of Eden?

Here’s the scripture in Revelations:

Revelation 12:9

So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Satan is called a serpent in Revelations. However, the Genesis scripture quoted above has always had me scratching my head. Is God cursing Satan – apart from the serpent creature? Is God stating that there will be hatred between man and Satan? What does bruise your head and bruise his heel mean? Was the serpent a non-crawling creature before he tempted Eve? God said that the serpent would go on his belly and eat dust the rest of his life – does that mean the serpent was an upright creature prior to the temptation?

Share your thoughts!!



Iscariot by Tosca Lee

I wanted to mention Iscariot by Tosca Lee. I posted an interview with the author awhile back. I’ve finally read the novel and I really enjoyed it! If you like biblical fiction then you’ll love this book! Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, but, this book gives insight as to why Judas betrayed Jesus. You see Judas’s traumatic childhood and all of the turmoil he had to endure when he grew up. Death, destruction, war….

My favorite parts of this book? I loved reading about Jesus! The way this novel showed Jesus healing others, baptizing…I’ve often wondered what it would’ve been like to actually see Jesus’s miracles! I think this novel gives us a good taste as to what it would’ve been like to see Jesus in the flesh!

If you haven’t done so already, you should give this book a try!

Sunday Brunch! Two Important Mothers!

Happy Mother’s Day!

I wanted to talk about two important biblical mothers today – Mary and Elizabeth! Mary, the mother who was impregnated by the Holy Spirit and gave birth to the baby Jesus. Mary’s kinswoman, Elizabeth, gave birth to John the Baptist. Elizabeth had been barren prior to being impregnated with John. Both Elizabeth and Zechariah were advanced in years, and they didn’t believe they’d have children. Zechariah even questioned the validity of the news from Gabriel regarding his future son’s birth. Gabriel made Zechariah mute when he questioned Gabriel’s message.

When Mary went to visit Elizabeth to tell about Elizabeth about her pregnancy, Elizabeth felt John The Baptist leap in her womb! Wow! Mary stayed and visited with Elizabeth for three months:

Luke 1:39-45, 56

Mary Visits Elizabeth

39 At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, 40 where she entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabeth. 41 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 42 In a loud voice she exclaimed: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! 43 But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44 As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. 45 Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!”

56 Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home.

It’s just so amazing! Both of these highly important mothers visited for three months. What do you think they discussed during this three-month visit?

I imagine that they discussed the upcoming birth of their sons. John probably leaped with joy in Elizabeth’s womb several times. Mary probably placed her hand on Elizabeth’s belly, feeling the baby kick. I’d imagine this was a time of laughter and joyful tears for both of these amazing mothers!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there!


Hidden Falls – Ordinary Secrets – Episode One


Ordinary Secrets – Hidden Falls – Episode One

This is a new idea that’s being distributed by Barbour Publishing. Shiloh Run Studios is a line of short fiction pieces for a continuous story. I read the first episode for Hidden Falls and the story reminded me of a TV show – even reminded me of a soap opera a little bit since there were so many characters and storylines. In episode one, the story focuses on a reunion for current and former students – former students spanning 30 years of time – for high school teacher Quinn.

Many people come from out of town to see Quinn, their former teacher, honored. You get a glimpse of what these former students have been doing for the last few decades, and you also see the drama – including romances and problems – being faced by the current residents of Hidden Falls.

This story was so short that you could read it in one sitting. I read most of the story during my son’s soccer practice. I thought the story idea was unique – I’d never heard of having a reunion, inviting former townspeople, to honor a teacher. The story ended with a cliffhanger, too.

The first download is also free! Check it out if you have a chance!


Table For Two


Table For Two by Brandy Bruce

Have you ever suffered from a broken engagement?

This book was so cute and sweet! Mandy is a food critic, and she meets handsome Leo when she reviews his restaurant for her column. Leo is enamored with Mandy – but, he’s still suffering from the pain of a broken engagement. Plus, his father is ill and now Leo has agreed to run both of his father’s restaurants. Can he do all of this and still have a relationship with Mandy?

I loved this book – one main reason was the food! Lobster, torte, tiramisu, lasagna, Chinese food…breakfast food…the author did an awesome job with her food descriptions. The story was a nice, sweet Christian romance. This is a nice, quick, sweet, enjoyable story.

So, have you ever suffered from a broken engagement? How did you deal with your pain?