My book officially went on sale today, May 1, 2008! It’s listed on the Heartsong Presents website:
The price is only $2.97 + shipping! Also, if I understand correctly, you can order several books for the same shipping cost! You can always order mulitiple copies for your friends or church members, or, you can order some other Heartsong Presents titles in addition to mine!
You can order one of two ways:
Simply place a call to the following phone number:
(740) 922 7280
Tell them you want to order Heartsong Presents title #794 entitled John’s Quest.
Or, if you prefer, simply print this order form and order my novel:
Enjoy! Also, I love hearing from readers! Feel free to let me know if you enjoyed the book!
Love the cover, Cecelia. I’m looking forward to reading it.