Pop Tarts!

I was going to blog about things I did during my childhood; that should have given me a clue that I’m a writer. But I’m too tired and my brain is too numb to blog about that.

When I was at the store last weekend, doing our weekly grocery shopping, I was hungry. There was a huge bin of Pop Tarts on sale. I got some. I don’t think I’d purchased Pop Tarts since college, or if I have, I haven’t bought them in a long time. When I brought home those cherry Pop Tarts, I tried to sneak and eat some, but my four-year-old son caught me. He said “Mommy, what are you eating? What are those things with frosting on them?” I reluctantly gave him a bite and he was hooked. He said, “I want some of those things with frosting on them.” So, I popped some in the toaster for him too. I told my hubby about the conversation with our son and he said, “We have Pop Tarts? I want some!”

We ate the whole box in less than a day. I even went to the store later on in the week to get more. It’s funny how you forget how much you enjoy something. When I pop those things into the toaster (on a low setting) and then they pop up nice and warm…they’re so good! That frosting and that sweet fruity (or chocolatey) filling…I’d forgotten how much I used to enjoy these things! I’ve rediscovered a food I used to love during my childhood and college years!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

4 thoughts on “Pop Tarts!

  1. Jodi

    I buy the generic Walmart brand every week or so for my kids when they want a quick breakfast snack or just don’t have time for breakfast before the school bus comes. They are good and my kids like them un-toasted! I like them warm though. I don’t remember my mom buying them as a kid though. A sweet little snack when you want something like that.

  2. Abi

    Oh, Yeah! I just had to go get one because you made me think of it. Mine is chocolate fudge.

    Just had a box of Brown Sugar come to my house today by way of a friend.

    We dig poptarts here.

  3. PatriciaW

    We didn’t have these as kids so I got hooked in college. Didn’t buy them for years until recently. My two youngest love them. Big box on the counter right now, but I’m staying away…


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