Daily Archives: October 10, 2007

Too Tired To Blog

I have a deadline of October 16 looming ahead. I’ve been getting out of bed at 4:45 each morning to get some writing done before my family awakens. So, for the next week, my posts will be sporadic, and they may be short, depending on my schedule. I read The Other Daughter by Miralee Ferrell on the plane ride to and from the conference last month. So, I’ll be blogging about that novel sometime over the next week. I also read Sushi For One by Camy Tang. I will also be blogging about that in the near future.

I started the novel Pink by Marilynn Griffith. I purchased this book at the 2006 ACFW conference. I think it’s neat that each scene break is separated by a drawing of a button!

Peace and God’s blessings to all!

Cecelia Dowdy