Daily Archives: October 28, 2007


Here’s another extinct inspirational category romance series. Like Silhouette Inspirations, it started in 1984. Again, it’d be great to see all of the covers, but it’s too much of a long and daunting process to download all of those images to place on my blog! I did find the cover of the first book in the series, though!

I believe I read a few of the Jane Peart titles on this list! However, I didn’t read them when they were first released! I got them at a reduced price at a bookstore back in the nineties.

SERS-1 Dengler, Sandy Summer Snow Feb-1984
SERS-2 Gilge, Jeanette Call Her Blessed 1984
SERS-3 Kletzing, Karen Ina 1984
SERS-4 Graham, Brenda Knight Juliana of Clover Hill Feb-1984
SERS-5 Dengler, Sandy The Song of the Nereids 1984
SERS-6 Watson, Elaine Anna’s Rocking Chair Feb-1984
SERS-7 Feldhake, Susan C. In Love’s Own Time 1984
SERS-8 Peart, Jane Yankee Bride 1984
SERS-9 Karr, Kathleen Light of My Heart 1984
SERS-10 Feldhake, Susan C. Love Beyond Surrender 1984
SERS-11 Gilge, Jeanette All the Days After Sunday Dec-1984
SERS-12 McAvoy, Elaine Anne Irresistible Love Apr-1985
SERS-13 Sayler, Mary Harwell Hand Me Down the Dawn May-1985
SERS-14 Peart, Jane Rebel Bride Jun-1985
SERS-15 Yapp, Kathleen Speak Softly, Love Jul-1985
SERS-16 Karr, Kathleen From This Day Forward Jul-1985
SERS-17 Cook, Jacquelyn The River Between Oct-1985
SERS-18 Peart, Jane Valiant Bride 1985
SERS-19 Langer, Maryn Wait for the Sun Jul-1985
SERS-20 Darty, Peggy Kincaid of Cripple Creek Sep-1985
SERS-21 Cornelius, Kay Love’s Gentle Journey Oct-1985
SERS-22 Conrad, Jean Applegate Landing Nov-1985
SERS-23 Sayler, Mary Harwell Beyond the Smoky Curtains Nov-1985
SERS-24 Watson, Elaine To Dwell in the Land Nov-1985
SERS-25 Langer, Maryn Moon for a Candle Oct-1985
SERS-26 Cheyney, Jeanne The Conviction of Charlotte Grey Nov-1985
SERS-27 Dengler, Sandy Opal Fires Mar-1986
SERS-28 Langer, Maryn Divide the Joy Feb-1986
SERS-29 Darty, Peggy Cimarron Sunset Feb-1986
SERS-30 Dengler, Sandy This Rolling Land Jan-1986
SERS-31 Cook, Jacquelyn Wind Along the River Mar-1986
SERS-32 Ellison, Suzanne Sycamore Settlement Jun-1986
SERS-33 Brand, Irene Where Morning Dawns Jun-1986
SERS-34 Winters, Donna Elizabeth of Saginaw Bay Jul-1986
SERS-35 Schulte, Elaine L. Westward My Love
SERS-36 Peart, Jane Ransomed Bride
SERS-37 Schulte, Elaine L. Dreams of Gold Jul-1986
SERS-40 Cook, Jacquelyn Image in the Looking Glass Jun-1987
SERS-44 Brand, Irene Come Gentle Spring
SERS-45 Feldhake, Susan C. Seasons of the Heart Mar-1987
SERS-47 Conrad, Jean Golden Gates May-1987

I recognize some of the authors. Do any of you see any familiar names on the list?

Cecelia Dowdy