Daily Archives: September 9, 2007

God Still Don’t Like Ugly by Mary Monroe

I know this book is not a Christian title, but I couldn’t help blogging about it because the novel kept referencing God, and about how people would get their comeuppance when they died for their sinful lives. There was one part of the book that reminded me of Frank Peretti’s, Tilly. When Annette, the main character, has a dream, she dreams about a baby she’d had aborted. The baby is a little girl and the baby claims that she is fine now and that there were others in the place where she went after death, who’s parents decided not to keep them(other aborted babies). This was the first secular title I’ve read in a while, but, just as when I read secular titles, I kept thinking of ways that I’d have made it into an inspirational title as I read it.

I thought the book was gripping and well-written. I spent a good part of my weekend just reading this book.

Cecelia Dowdy